
In class Tue Mar 31st

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time 6 min 20 sec

Design Thinking for Problem Solving

Design Thinking can be used to solve problems across all disciplines and is currently being used by the Promise Committee to understand how to update and change the college education experience. We have been using it in the last couple of projects as a way to make better Movie Posters and now Logos for the FabLab

Design Thinking is a process much like Analytical Thinking (used in scientific experiments) and Systems Thinking (used for understanding in psychology and sociology). 

Design Thinking uses a 4 step non linear process shown below 

--Understand - Ideate - Prototype - Test--

How does this work for Project 4:

Our current problem:

* To create a logo that tells a story through visual aesthetics to attract and inform our customers. Our customers are current and potential students, professors and staff. 

completed so far
Step 1 = understand - research logos consider key words
Step 2 = ideate and prototype - 10 logo ideas
Step 3 = test and understand - critique others & consider feedback

next steps
Step 4 = prototype - 3 refined ideas
Step 5 = test and understand critique others & consider feedback
Step 6 = prototype - create final logo
Step 7 = test - critique final logos

Consider the following key words: 

  • Art
  • Design
  • Sculpture
  • Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Where tradition meets the cutting edge
  • Student Oriented
  • Art Department's identity
  • Hartwick College's identity

FabLab Definition:
A FabLab is a lot like a traditional print lab where you can bring in a digital file and get a print. The difference is where you get a photograph or ink based 2d image back from a traditional print lab, a FabLab lets you cut or etch images and design out of a variety of materials and in 3 dimensions.

Ideate and Prototype
You created 10 different possibilities for the logo

You received feedback and consider it while creating the next set of prototypes

Go back to any phase of the process and continue

view first

time 20 min 17 sec

Key to good logos

- Keep it simple
- Make it bold
- Don't use fine details
- Limit the amount of colors 
- Only include whats necessary

Manipulating imagery to create a logo in Photoshop.


Help with commenting for Critiques

Things to comment on:
- How the 'Color' is affecting your understanding of the logo.
- How composition (the placement of visual elements in 2d space/positive and negative space/ rule of thirds) is affecting your understanding of the logo
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style 


Projet Steps
Step 1- Research 
(Start now, due Thur 3/36 by 1pm)
- look up and download 20 logos that you find interesting or that inspire you, into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

Step 2 - Create 10 different logo prototype ideas (start by Thur 3/26 - due Mon 3/30)

Step 3 - Crit and recieve feedback

(starts Mon 3/30 6pm- due Tue 3/31 by 1pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea
(starts Tue 3/31 1pm- due Thur 4/2 by 1pm)

Step 5 - Crit and recieve feedback
(Start  Thur 4/2 1pm - due Thur 4/2 by 4pm

Step 6 - Create final Logo
(Start  Thur 4/2 4pm - due Tue 4/7 by 1pm

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Start Fri 4/10 by 4pm

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