
In class Tue Mar 24th

Welcome Back!

Please watch the video below first! The lecture for each day will be at the top of the blog. 

Video Length = 17 min

Today we are going to get set up and get accustomed to online learning. We will be using the following online systems to run the rest of the course. 

Class online systems

* Class Blog - lectures, videos and information 

* Google Calendar (Art231-OL) - for dates and information

* Google Photos - for handing in design prototypes and finals and for critique using liking and commenting

* Gmail - class updates from the professor and notifications

* Zoom - video conferencing (used for the getting help from the professor and for the class final)

set up Google Calendar 
- website and phone app available

- you must be logged in with your college gmail account

- you can log into your college gmail account on your phone. if you do you can get notifications about the class on your phone

Using Gmail and setting up notifications

set up Google Photos
- website and phone app available

lets take a look

set up Zoom (website and phone app)
- website and phone app available
- log in with you college email account

Opening Screen

Zoom Meeting Screen

[proj 4 assigned] 
Introduction to Logo Project [due Tu Apr 7th]

For this project you will be creating a Logo for the new fabrication lab generally referred to as the "FabLab", in the art & art history department at Hartwick college. 

A FabLab is a lot like a traditional print lab where you can bring in a digital file and get a print. The difference is where you get a photograph or ink based 2d image back from a traditional print lab, a FabLab lets you cut or etch images and design out of a variety of materials and in 3 dimensions.

Like all logos, we are trying to tell a story through visuals to attract our customers. In this case, our customers are current and potential students, and academics (professors and staff). 

Even though the FabLab is part of Hartwick there is no restriction that the logo use Hartwick fonts or colors. Having said that you do want to consider the following key words associated with the FabLab at Hartwick when choosing visuals:

Where tradition meets the cutting edge
Student Oriented
Art Department's identity
Hartwick College's identity

Visuals that speak to the viewer:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive and negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading

- Font - style

Each of these elements remain important as we make decisions while we create a Logo.! 

Projet Steps
Step 1- Research 
(Start now, due Thur 3/36 by 1pm)
- look up and download 20 logos that you find interesting or that inspire you, into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

Step 2 - Create 10 different logo prototype ideas (start by Thur 3/26 - due Mon 3/30)

Step 3 - Crit and recieve feedback
(starts Mon 3/30 6pm- due Tue 3/31 by 1pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea
(starts Tue 3/31 1pm- due Thur 4/2 by 1pm)

Step 5 - Crit and recieve feedback
(Start  Thur 4/2 1pm - due Thur 4/2 by 4pm

Step 6 - Create final Logo
(Start  Thur 4/2 4pm - due Tue 4/7 by 1pm

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Start Fri 4/10 by 4pm

The GIMP a free alternative

While we get set up with Photoshop, you can get started with this free version. It does look a little different and it lacks many of the newest features, but it contains everything you need to create an amazing logo or design. It also works on older less powerful computers!

Link to GIMP here!

Where are we at with Photoshop?
- Email me your status

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