
DAy 5





- Rule of thirds

- Golden Rule

- Rules of Design from Paul Rand the godfather of modern design

- Positive and Negative space



How to flatten your image and save it as a JPEG

Things to consider when creating an Album cover

We are using the format of an Album cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry. They have a collection of music that all has imagery attached to albums and music genres.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive and negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?



Photoshop Day 2

History / Undo function
-- It is a new way to create!
Magic Wand
Single Row Marquee Tool
Paint Bucket/Gradient
Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
Vector Tools
— Pen Tool
— Shape Tools
The Clone Stamp & Healing Brush
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)
Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction
Type Tool

Work on Finish Assignment 1 & Project 2. Joe will come around to review your work so far.



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