
Day 14

 Bring your Printed final Movie Poster to class., ready to hang on the wall!

Review Movie Posters

Help with commenting for Critiques

Things to comment on:
- How the 'Color' is affecting your understanding of the logo.
- How composition (the placement of visual elements in 2d space/positive and negative space/ rule of thirds) is affecting your understanding of the logo
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style 


Setting up your Movie Poster for Augmented Reality

Step 1 - Open your Movie Poster in Photoshop. 

Step 2 - Figure out what content you want to separate out onto the available 6 layers + a background layer. This would generally need to be the title, images of people, vehicles, buildings, the setting/environment as the background.

Step 3 - recreate the poster as the 6 layer with transparency with the background

Step 4 - Save your image as a PSD file



Design Thinking for Problem Solving

Design Thinking can be used to solve problems across all disciplines and is currently being used by the Promise Committee to understand how to update and change the college education experience. We have been using it in the last couple of projects as a way to make better Movie Posters and now Logos for the FabLab

Design Thinking is a process much like Analytical Thinking (used in scientific experiments) and Systems Thinking (used for understanding in psychology and sociology). 

Design Thinking uses a 4 step non linear process shown below 

--Understand - Ideate - Prototype - Test--

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