
Day 11

Extra Credit


All Hartwick students are invited to make a flyer/poster to inspire others to get informed, to vote, and to share what they feel is at stake in the 2022 election.

The winning posters will receive amazon gift cards (1st place $100, 2nd place $50, 3rd place $25) and their posters will be printed and distributed all over campus!

Take a picture of your poster and/or submit it electronically to either Professor Laurel Elder at elderl@hartwick.edu or Professor Zachary McKenney mckenneyz@hartwick.edu.  One submission per student.  Deadline Friday October 14 5pm.  

Posters can be handmade or digital, but must be original designs. They can be educational, inspirational, partisan (promote a particular candidate or issue) or non-partisan.





Zoom and Enhance is here, brought to you by Google.

Now you can use low resolution images and make them look good when making them larger.


1. Work on the three different prototype movie poster for the same movie. 

Things to change. At least 4 of the follow needs to be different on each poster.

- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive and negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Keep in mind that each of these elements is a "signifier" to the viewer. The viewer will generate meaning from these visual elements to make sense of the image in comparison to what they have seen before and how they understand the visual ques of the element. In the case of a movie poster, the viewer will discern the movies genre, the actors in the movie and when it will be released. It tells the interesting part(s) of the story in one image.


2. Upload your 3 different Posters to the Google Photos album "Art 213 FA22 prototype movie posters" before Thursdays class starts.


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