
In class Mon Oct 26th

3d Design & 3d Printing

3d printing has been used by industry since the mid 1980's. It is used to print everything from food to human tissue to guns.

Our Makerbot Replicator 2 works through additive manufacturing. This is accomplished by laying down thin layers of plastic, one on top of the other, to build up a 3d structure.

Virtual models can be built in 3d software programs or captured with a 3d scanner or digital camera.


Thingiverse - free download 3d model library

Shapeways - Create and Sell 3d models

Steps in 3d Printing

Get or Create a 3d Model

3d file Types
.stl - like the JPEG of the 3d world, almost universal file format
.obj - slightly less universal 3d file format
.mix - Meshmixer's file format
.thing - Makerware's file format
.x3g - Printers file Format

- 3d Scan/3d Imaging Apps
3d Image capturing Apps: 123D Catch or Caperture

- Download a model
thingiverse.com or redpah.com

- Create a model using a 3d software programs or 3d Apps
Apps (Free)
- Printshop
- 123D Sculpt
- 123D Design
- 123D Creature

Software (Free)
- Meshmixer
- 123D Design
- 123D Make
- Rhinoceros
- Sculptris
- MatterControl ($10)
- Sketchup

Modify your 3d Model
123D Design
123D Make
- Scale, Turn your 3d model
- you can add models together on the print platform

Prepare for Printing
Rafts: used to make a small island for your model to be built on. 

Supports: hold up areas of a model that are unprintable otherwise.
* no long rises 
* 45 degree angle or higher

Shells: Outside layers of a model.

Infill: Percent of the interior of a 3d model that is filled with plastic.

Layer Height: layer thickness of each printed layer of plastic.
* Low Resolution (Faster*) is the best choice for most models

* Things to check before Exporting your 3d model:
- is your "device"set for "Replicator 2" (check the lower corner)
- is your 3d model on the Platform?
- does the 3d model fit within the print area? 
- did you check your print settings?

1) Hit "Export Print File"
2) Be Patient
4) Export Now

Project 5 

Work on Project

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