
In class Mon Oct 12th

Micro-Stopmotion Animation

Creating your animation in Photoshop
- create a new document that is 1920x1080 at 72 dpi resolution
- get your backgrounds, foregrounds, characters, objects and text organized on different layer
- save your psd with a simple name. i.e.... joe-00.psd (this is the name that will automatically pop up when you use "Save for Web" while making your animation.
- create a folder on the desktop. this is where you will save the finished JPGs

Start Animating

- Move layers / change content
- Save for Web and Devices
- Number images yourname-001, yourname-002, ect..

* You can save different scenes from your animation in different folders if you want.

You should try working in 1920x1080 HD at 72dpi resolution first. If you can't find big enough images use the smaller HD, 1280x720 HD at 72dpi instead.

Finding legal content

- CCmixter
- Archive.org

*What is Creative Commons

- cc
- check out Flickr

Hang and Critique Project 3

Work on Project

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