
In class Wed Nov 5th

3d Printing in Museums

Project 5 Assigned

Common Chess

Bauhaus Chess Set

How to complete Project 5

1)Find source images
- think about how the image will be translated into 3d
- consider the size of a chess piece and the size of a chess board
- each piece needs to be distinctive
- it does not have to be a literal translation of the piece

2)Draw/Manipulate the piece in BxW in Photoshop
- Trace, Draw, Threshold your image
- look at the positive and negative space
- watch for floating pieces

3) Go through translation process
- Bitmap to Vector to correct file type to 3d software to .stl

4) Assemble in Makerware
- assemble complex 3d models
- position your pieces on the print bed
- set up for printing
- export .x3g

Critique Project 4

Work on Project

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