
Alternative Chess Pieces

Tiger - moves 2 spaces diagonally, when attacking moves back to original spot - Dominique

Lion - Move 2 steps or jumps per turn in any adjacent direction. It can capture up to two pieces per turn, capture an adjacent piece without moving (stationary feeding), or move and return (effectively passing a turn). -Olivia

Tone General - Moves one square diagonally forward. - Aliana

Berolina Pawn - like a pawn but can also capture one step orthogonally to the side. - Carolina

Dog - move one square directly forward, or diagonally backward. - Will

Bug-Eyed Monster - Can jump to any square which would not be reachable by any orthodox chess piece. - Maddy

Hunter - Moves forward as a rook (along a file), and backward as a bishop (on diagonals). - Melijah

Grasshopper -  A hopper which moves along the same lines as a queen and lands on the square immediately beyond that of the hurdle. - Sal
Gryphon - Moves one square diagonally followed by moving any number of spaces like a rook outwards - Tara

Zebra - Jumps one square orthogonally followed by two squares diagonally outwards. - Tyler

Nightrider - A rider which moves any number of knight moves in the same direction in a straight line. The Nightrider can not move any further in that direction once it captures a piece. - Chris P

Giraffe - Jumps one square diagonally followed by three squares orthogonally. - Matt

Gorgon - The Gorgon moves as a chess queen. At the end of its move, any enemy piece that is on a square adjacent to the Gorgon is frozen in place, and can not move away until the Gorgon moves away or is captured. The Gorgon can never move to an occupied square and can not capture pieces. If two Gorgons move next to each other, they are both frozen until the end of the game or until one is captured. An immobilized piece may commit suicide, e.g., to open a line of attack. This action counts as a move. - Jubie

Flying Falcon -Bishop that can step one square forward. - Amber

Amazon - Combines the powers of the queen and the knight. - Jenny 

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