
In class Mon Nov 24th

Project 6 Assigned
* get your projects up on Flickr and Youtube
* Link your sites social media sites together
* Email the web address to your Flickr, Youtube, Instagram/blog to Joe


Check out what we printed so far!

Work on Project!


In class Mon Nov 17th

Chess Piece sizes

Rules for chess pieces to board size:   The base diameter of the king should fall within a range of 68% to 75% of the square size.  For example, if you have a 2.25" board (each square is 2.25" x 2.25" or 57.1mm x 57.1mm) then the chess pieces you choose should have a king's base diameter of 2.25 x (0.68) to 2.25 x (0.75) which = 1.53" (38.9mm) to 1.687" (42.9mm) in diameter.

What we are working with:

Chessboard Square Tile - 40mm a side, this means no piece and be wider then 36mm

king - 75mm tall

queen - 70mm tall

bishop - 60mm tall

kinght - 50mm tall

rook - 45mm tall

pawn - 40mm tall

Special pieces - 65mm tall

*All pieces are 14mm thick

Preparing your chess pieces for printing

1) open Makerware

2) Click on 'Prepare' and "Add File" to import your .STL's to the print bed

3) Use the 'Move' tool to separate the models from each other
* remember any models that are touching will be printed as a single unite

4) Use the 'Scale' too to resize the 3d models to the proper size
a- scale the piece to the proper hight and width. Set the model at the correct hight and adjust for the width if necessary.
b- the 'Z' axis should be 14mm thick. Unclick 'uniform scaling' to change just one axis

5) Use 'Save to Library' to save your .Thing file to the desktop 

6) Change your 'Settings'
Resolution - Low(Faster)
Infill - 8%
# of Shells - 2
Layer Height - .30 mm

7) Export Print File
- Take a screen shot of the Export Info and keep it with your .x3g file. You will hand in both to me.

8) Show Joe your .Thing, .x3g & Export Info screen shot to be approved for printing and transfer to the SD card. Your files should be labeled with your first name and last initial ie.. joevs.thing

PLA Color Choices
- White
- Red
- Black
- Purple
- Blue

Printing Schedule (subject to change)

DAY                       PLA                 TIME

Tuesday      White     11am - 5pm* - 6hrs
Wednesday  Red       10:30am - 6:30pm* - 8hrs
Thursday     Black     11am - 4:15pm* - 5hrs
Friday          Purple   12:30 -5pm* - 4.5hrs
Saturday      Blue      12pm - 3:30pm* - 3.5hrs
Sunday        White    10:30am - 5pm* - 6.5hrs
Monday       Red       10am - 5pm* - 7hrs
Tuesday       Black    11am - 5pm* - 6hrs


In class Mon Nov 10th

* Reminder about Project 1 Image a day or Research Blog. Email me the URL to your Image/Blog

The 3d extrusion process

the concept: to translate a 2 dimensional image into a 3 dimension print.

the process:
1) Find an image
- pay attention to how the image stands. You need enough of a flat bottom on the image to keep the 3d model standing upright

- look for simple images, the image will be translated into black and white (literally)

2) Photoshop (used to translate the image into black and white with a transparent background)
- Threshold - to turn the image into just black and white
-- this can be done many times using duplicate layers

- Look for floating black shaped. The black areas are the areas the will be printed. Make sure all black shapes touch other black shapes.

- While having a clear background layer. Using the Magic Wand to select the white parts of the image. Make sure "contiguous" is un checked.

- Delete the white areas

- Image Size to 400 pixels on the longest side

- Save for Web as a PNG 24 with transparency

3) Flash (used to translate the bitmap into a vector) 
- Open Flash 
-- Under Create New pick "Actionscript 2.0"

- File --> Import to the Stage --> pick you PNG

- Fit the PNG to the stage if the stage is too small, goto Modify Document and make it bigger

- Modify --> Bitmap --> Trace Bitmap 

- Select All and pick the color black in the color picker

- Export the Image as an Adobe FXG

- Use Save As to save the image as a .FLA

4) Illustrator (to save the file as the correct file format)
- Open Illustrator

- Use File Open to open your .FXG file

- Adjust the Art Board if necessary using the "Artboard Tool"

- Use Save As to save your file as an SVG

5) 123D Design (used to extrude the vector image into the 3rd dimension)
- Open 123D Design, click the red button to close the startup panel 

- Use "Import SVG" to pull you SVG file into 123D Design

- Under "Construct" use the "Extrude Tool"
-- click on you image and pull it up.

- Use "Export STL" to make your 3d ready file

Work on Project


Alternative Chess Pieces

Tiger - moves 2 spaces diagonally, when attacking moves back to original spot - Dominique

Lion - Move 2 steps or jumps per turn in any adjacent direction. It can capture up to two pieces per turn, capture an adjacent piece without moving (stationary feeding), or move and return (effectively passing a turn). -Olivia

Tone General - Moves one square diagonally forward. - Aliana

Berolina Pawn - like a pawn but can also capture one step orthogonally to the side. - Carolina

Dog - move one square directly forward, or diagonally backward. - Will

Bug-Eyed Monster - Can jump to any square which would not be reachable by any orthodox chess piece. - Maddy

Hunter - Moves forward as a rook (along a file), and backward as a bishop (on diagonals). - Melijah

Grasshopper -  A hopper which moves along the same lines as a queen and lands on the square immediately beyond that of the hurdle. - Sal
Gryphon - Moves one square diagonally followed by moving any number of spaces like a rook outwards - Tara

Zebra - Jumps one square orthogonally followed by two squares diagonally outwards. - Tyler

Nightrider - A rider which moves any number of knight moves in the same direction in a straight line. The Nightrider can not move any further in that direction once it captures a piece. - Chris P

Giraffe - Jumps one square diagonally followed by three squares orthogonally. - Matt

Gorgon - The Gorgon moves as a chess queen. At the end of its move, any enemy piece that is on a square adjacent to the Gorgon is frozen in place, and can not move away until the Gorgon moves away or is captured. The Gorgon can never move to an occupied square and can not capture pieces. If two Gorgons move next to each other, they are both frozen until the end of the game or until one is captured. An immobilized piece may commit suicide, e.g., to open a line of attack. This action counts as a move. - Jubie

Flying Falcon -Bishop that can step one square forward. - Amber

Amazon - Combines the powers of the queen and the knight. - Jenny 


In class Wed Nov 5th

3d Printing in Museums

Project 5 Assigned

Common Chess

Bauhaus Chess Set

How to complete Project 5

1)Find source images
- think about how the image will be translated into 3d
- consider the size of a chess piece and the size of a chess board
- each piece needs to be distinctive
- it does not have to be a literal translation of the piece

2)Draw/Manipulate the piece in BxW in Photoshop
- Trace, Draw, Threshold your image
- look at the positive and negative space
- watch for floating pieces

3) Go through translation process
- Bitmap to Vector to correct file type to 3d software to .stl

4) Assemble in Makerware
- assemble complex 3d models
- position your pieces on the print bed
- set up for printing
- export .x3g

Critique Project 4

Work on Project


In class Mon Nov 3rd

4d printing?

Steps in 3d Printing

Get or Create a 3d Model

3d file Types
.stl - like the JPEG of the 3d world, almost universal file format
.obj - slightly less universal 3d file format
.mix - Meshmixer's file format
.thing - Makerware's file format
.x3g - Printers file Format

- 3d Scan/3d Imaging Apps
3d Image capturing Apps: 123D Catch or Caperture

- Download a model
thingiverse.com or redpah.com

- Create a model using a 3d software programs or 3d Apps
Apps (Free)
- Printshop
- 123D Sculpt
- 123D Design
- 123D Creature

Software (Free)
- Meshmixer
- 123D Design
- 123D Make
- Rhinoceros
- Sculptris
- MatterControl ($10)
- Sketchup

Modify your 3d Model
123D Design
123D Make
- Scale, Turn your 3d model
- you can add models together on the print platform

Prepare for Printing
Rafts: used to make a small island for your model to be built on. 

Supports: hold up areas of a model that are unprintable otherwise.
* no long rises 
* 45 degree angle or higher

Shells: Outside layers of a model.

Infill: Percent of the interior of a 3d model that is filled with plastic.

Layer Height: layer thickness of each printed layer of plastic.
* Low Resolution (Faster*) is the best choice for most models

* Things to check before Exporting your 3d model:
- is your "device"set for "Replicator 2" (check the lower corner)
- is your 3d model on the Platform?
- does the 3d model fit within the print area? 
- did you check your print settings?

1) Hit "Export Print File"
2) Be Patient
4) Export Now