
In class Sept 8th

Bring your Laptop to class!
- Bookmark the class website and show me before you leave class today.

How to use a Mac

Turning on the Mac
- Login
- Restart
- Shutdown

The Finder (navigating the Mac)
- Loging In
- The Desktop
- Main Hard Drive
- Applications
- the Dock

- Creating a New Folder

- Deleting Files & Folders
-- Emptying the Trash

- Cut/Copy/Past
- Network Drive - lab-drive.local

USB Thumbdrives
- Where to plug it in
- Ejecting your drive

Web Browsers on the Mac
- Chrome
- Safari

Free Photoshop

FireAlpaca & the Gimp

Brief History of the World Wide Web

Web 1.0
- Static website, requires software and/or HTML knowledge to make changes to the site.

Web 2.0
- Social web, frequently updated content by the end user.

Web 3.0
- Semantic web, interconnected websites sharing information and knowledge as well as being easily updated by the end user.

 Project 1 Assigned 
lets look at Project 1


- How to hook up and use a blog.

* if you took the digital is fundamental class, you can use the same blog, Flickr & Youtube accounts you created in that class for this class. 

A blog is many things, a personal website, an archive of media, the ability to broadcast a message to a greater audience, even an art piece in itself. 

We can use Blogger, Tumblr, Instagram or Flickr

Flickr is a photo storage/social website

Instagram is a social website/application that acts like a blog but for photos only.Tumblr is a blogging website that has all the advantages of a social media website. It also gives us a different network to distribute on as Blogger and Youtube are owned by Google.

Blogger is Googles blogging system. It is social through Google +
Making a blog.
1- (if you already have a Tumblr account, skip to #2) Go to the Tumblr website and create an account. You will need a an email account for this. Write your name and password down in your phone / on a piece of paper.

2- After you have account, click the create a blog button.  

3- You will be asked for a Title and URL. Skip the "privacy" button and password

4- Make 3 post. A "text" post, a "photo" post and a "video" post. 

5- Email your blogs URL to vonstengelj@hartwick.edu so I can follow you. 

Show Alexandra, Christine or Joe your 3 post before you leave.

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