
In class Mon Sept 22nd

Hand in Project 2
* label each LP image as described in project 2. Put them in a folder labeled with your name and transfer the folder to your USB thumbdrive. Hand in your assignment to Joe on your USB thumbdrive.

Advanced Photoshop

- Mini Bridge

Smart Objects
- Smart Object are either vector or raster image files that are brought into Photoshop from another program. This can be done by dragging and dropping an image into an open photoshop window. The transferred file stays in it’s original format and is edible in the original program (either photoshop or illustrator)

to edit a smart object 
1) Layer —> Smart Objects —> Edit Contents
2) Edit your image
3) Save your file to incorporate the new edits
4) Close the source file to return to your Photoshop document

Quick Mask

Advanced Layer controls

Transforming a Layer
- Edit --> Transform -->

Layer Styles

Vector Mask

Adjustment Layers

Advanced Layout in Photoshop

- Rule of thirds

- Golden Rule

- Rules of Design from Paul Rand the godfather of modern design

- Positive and Negative space

How to Create Project 3
1) Write out your Movie idea!
2) Look up and download 10 examples of posters that inspire you
3) Compile a list of important information that needs to be on the poster inculding: movie title, main actors/actresses, film company, producers, date, credits, ext… (use the 10 examples you downloaded as a guide)
4) Collect a variety of imagery to work with for your poster
4a) Make sure to find the largest images possible
5) Layout your poster 11x17” at 180dpi
6) Put in guides for the unprintable boarder
7) duplicate important layers
8) save often

Project 3 Assigned
* Lets take a look

Work on Project

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