
IN class Mon Sept 29th

Finish Critique Project 2

Work on Project 3


In class Wed Sept 24th

Printing in Photoshop
- Choose a Printer

- Print Settings
--- Paper Size
--- Layout and other Options
--- Making a PDF from the print menu

- Layout - Horizontal & Vertical

- Color Management - controls wether printer or photoshop handles color correction
--- Check out what happens when I check "Match Print Colors"

- Position and Size - resize and change the position of a design

- Printing Marks - registration and crop marks for layout and cutout
--- Unprintable Border

Critique Project 2
* before we start lets make a list of the music genre's you created Record Covers for.

Work on Project 3


In class Mon Sept 22nd

Hand in Project 2
* label each LP image as described in project 2. Put them in a folder labeled with your name and transfer the folder to your USB thumbdrive. Hand in your assignment to Joe on your USB thumbdrive.

Advanced Photoshop

- Mini Bridge

Smart Objects
- Smart Object are either vector or raster image files that are brought into Photoshop from another program. This can be done by dragging and dropping an image into an open photoshop window. The transferred file stays in it’s original format and is edible in the original program (either photoshop or illustrator)

to edit a smart object 
1) Layer —> Smart Objects —> Edit Contents
2) Edit your image
3) Save your file to incorporate the new edits
4) Close the source file to return to your Photoshop document

Quick Mask

Advanced Layer controls

Transforming a Layer
- Edit --> Transform -->

Layer Styles

Vector Mask

Adjustment Layers

Advanced Layout in Photoshop

- Rule of thirds

- Golden Rule

- Rules of Design from Paul Rand the godfather of modern design

- Positive and Negative space

How to Create Project 3
1) Write out your Movie idea!
2) Look up and download 10 examples of posters that inspire you
3) Compile a list of important information that needs to be on the poster inculding: movie title, main actors/actresses, film company, producers, date, credits, ext… (use the 10 examples you downloaded as a guide)
4) Collect a variety of imagery to work with for your poster
4a) Make sure to find the largest images possible
5) Layout your poster 11x17” at 180dpi
6) Put in guides for the unprintable boarder
7) duplicate important layers
8) save often

Project 3 Assigned
* Lets take a look

Work on Project


Open Lab Hours

Digital Lab Hours

10-11am          open lab
12:20-1:50pm open lab
1:50-4:55pm class
5pm-7:30pm open lab

9am-12:10pm  class
1pm-5:30pm open lab
5:30-8:30pm class

10:30am-12:30pm open lab
1:50-4:55pm class
5:30-7:30pm class

9:05am-12:10pm class
12:20-4:15pm open lab
5:30-8:30pm class

11:45am-5pm open lab

12-3:30pm open lab

10:30-5pm open lab

In class Wed Sept 17th

Photoshop Day 3

- History / Undo function
-- It is a new way to create!

- Single Row Marquee Tool

- Vector Tools
— Pen Tool
— Shape Tools

- The Clone Stamp & Healing Brush
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)

Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction


Work on Project. Due Mon Sept 22nd.

Virtual Record Shop

For this project you will appropriate images you find online through the process outlined below. The images and text you appropriate will be used to create a cover for an LP. This project is an exploration of appropriation, manipulation & layout and design. We will consider the meaning attached to images through context and our own expectations created through societal influence.

When manipulating your images in Photoshop, try using all the different tools in the tool bar (except the Slice tool and the History brush). See if you can figure out how to do something beyond what I have covered. Part of idea behind this project is to help you discover Photoshop on your own and also to help make you feel secure in just picking up a program and playing instead of being a afraid to try.

When downloading images for this project, Make sure you download the full size image!
Make sure to save your work often. Use the 'Save As' option to save a duplicate of your file (just change the file name). When you are finished with your image go to File --> Save for Web , and save your image as a JPEG, 100% quality. Do not check any other boxes. Save your images using this naming convention: yourname_01.jpg, yourname_02.jpg. (ie... jvonstengel_01.jpg)

The Process
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.

5 - Create 10 different Album Covers

6- Save your designs as explained above

6- Hand them in to Joe on your USB thumb drive


In class Mon Sept 16th

Flash Drive Test!
Hand in your Templates Assignment from last class on your USB thumb drive. Make sure to put your templates into a folder labeled with your name 


Photoshop Basics Day 2

Bit Map vs Vector Graphics
memory vs math

- Hand tool/Hand Rotate Tool
- Zoom tool
- Change Screen Mode

Color Picker
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedroper tool

Drawing Tools
- Pencil/Paint Brush
—- Color Replacement Tool/Mixer Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
—- Depth of Field - How much of the image is in focus in front of and behind the image
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge

Selection Tools (they define a workable area)
- Square/Circular Selection Tools
- Move Tool
- Laso/Polygon Laso/Magnetic Laso
— Tolerance
- Magic Wand/Quick Selection Tool
- Crop Tool

- Making Layers
--- New Layer
--- Cut/Copy/ Paste
--- Move Tool
--- Duplicate a Layer
- Delete Layer
- Layer Visibility
- Moving a Layer
- Opacity
- Modes
- Locking 

Text Tools
- Horizontal Type Tool/Vertical Type Tool
- Horizontal Type Mask Tool/Vertical Type Mask Tool

Work on Project
Project 2 due Monday Sept 22nd


In class Wed Sept 10th

It's all about perspective!

Early Manipulations

Early Alterations

Photographs have always lied

The LA Times 2003

Photo tampering through out history

*Flash Drive Test on Monday!

Example: Worth 1000

Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit

Whats Where?

Hot Keys

- Opening a file
-- Browse in Bridge or Mini Bridge
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New

* Resoultion
72 dpi traditional screen resolution
180 dpi lowest printing resolution
300 dpi + good printing resolution
600 dpi + high resolution printing

* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever

-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
--- RAW = .RAW = raw camera data uncompressed file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file

Setting Preferences
Photoshop --> Preferences --> General

- Rulers, Grids & Guides
- Show
- Snap

Laying out a design in Photoshop
before Photoshop
1) paper size
2) single or multiple designs on the page?

in Photoshop
3) size and resolution
4) define print area 
* Offset press - requires cut lines, a bleed and image area to fit within the paper size (print on anything thats flat)
* Laser Printer -  1/4",1/4",1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11",8.5x14", 11x17"
* Inkjet printer -  1/4",1/4",1/4", 3/8th"
-- standard sizes 8.5x11",8.5x14", 11x17", 19" wide, 24" wide, 36" wide, 42" wide
5) Define the Middle
6) save as a template file named appropriately as a .psd. 
ex LP_cover_Template.psd

Walk Through. Creating an 11x17" mini poster for a local event.

create a template for the following list:
- movie poster
- 8.5"x11" business flyer
- business card
- postcard
- bumper sticker
- CD cover

Work on Assignment


In class Sept 8th

Bring your Laptop to class!
- Bookmark the class website and show me before you leave class today.

How to use a Mac

Turning on the Mac
- Login
- Restart
- Shutdown

The Finder (navigating the Mac)
- Loging In
- The Desktop
- Main Hard Drive
- Applications
- the Dock

- Creating a New Folder

- Deleting Files & Folders
-- Emptying the Trash

- Cut/Copy/Past
- Network Drive - lab-drive.local

USB Thumbdrives
- Where to plug it in
- Ejecting your drive

Web Browsers on the Mac
- Chrome
- Safari

Free Photoshop

FireAlpaca & the Gimp

Brief History of the World Wide Web

Web 1.0
- Static website, requires software and/or HTML knowledge to make changes to the site.

Web 2.0
- Social web, frequently updated content by the end user.

Web 3.0
- Semantic web, interconnected websites sharing information and knowledge as well as being easily updated by the end user.

 Project 1 Assigned 
lets look at Project 1


- How to hook up and use a blog.

* if you took the digital is fundamental class, you can use the same blog, Flickr & Youtube accounts you created in that class for this class. 

A blog is many things, a personal website, an archive of media, the ability to broadcast a message to a greater audience, even an art piece in itself. 

We can use Blogger, Tumblr, Instagram or Flickr

Flickr is a photo storage/social website

Instagram is a social website/application that acts like a blog but for photos only.Tumblr is a blogging website that has all the advantages of a social media website. It also gives us a different network to distribute on as Blogger and Youtube are owned by Google.

Blogger is Googles blogging system. It is social through Google +
Making a blog.
1- (if you already have a Tumblr account, skip to #2) Go to the Tumblr website and create an account. You will need a an email account for this. Write your name and password down in your phone / on a piece of paper.

2- After you have account, click the create a blog button.  

3- You will be asked for a Title and URL. Skip the "privacy" button and password

4- Make 3 post. A "text" post, a "photo" post and a "video" post. 

5- Email your blogs URL to vonstengelj@hartwick.edu so I can follow you. 

Show Alexandra, Christine or Joe your 3 post before you leave.


Welcome! Day 1

Hello and Welcome to the Art213 Intro to Digital Media blog. This blog contains up-to-date information on the class, assignments & projects. There are also important links from this blog to other class resources. This blog is the hub of the class, so don't forget to check if frequently. Make it an icon on your smart phone. I usually updated the blog within 24 hours of class. 

Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.

The Intro to digital media class is presents an introduction to Print based media through image manipulation & graphic design, Time based media through Animation and 3d Design, both scanning and printing. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe PhotoshopiMovie, Quicktime Pro, Meshmixer and Makerware, as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications (YouTubeFlickr (or Instagram) & Blogs).

We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as 
consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter our society. We will also look to consider the many facets of technology that interact with digital art.

Have you see this image? Creating Reality!

So, Secretary of State John Kerry referenced this photograph when making a speech last September, trying to drive home how awful the Syrian chemical attack was as he tried to convince us why we should go to war. One problem. The picture isn't even from Syria. It's from Iraq in 2003. The photographer, Marco di Lauro, said he nearly "fell off his chair" when he saw it was being used to promote a war in Syria. It's getting pretty disturbing to see how far our politicians, both Republican and Democrat, are willing to go to drum up support for a war nobody wants.

  * This class has a $100 Lab fee & you will need a 8GB thumbdrive.

The Syllabus

Lets take the Awareness Test!


