
Day 16 Tue Oct 26th

 Finish up 10 Logo prototypes

Review Logo Prototypes


Project Steps

Step 1- Research

(Due Tues Oct 19th beginning of class )

- look up and download 20 "animal rescue" logos that you find interesting or that inspire you. Save them into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

- research Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans on their website and social media. Andswer these questions. Who are they? What do they do? What is their rescue ideology.  What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

- research 3 other "Animal Rescue" websites. What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

Step 2 - Prototype ideas 

 (start Thur Oct 21st Tue - due Oct 26th )

Using the 20 logos you researched and Google Image search for the key words form the last blog create 10 aesthetically different mock ups of possible logos for"Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans"

If you don't have Photoshop, you can do this with paper and pencil or by using the GIMP.

Size - 5 inch x 5 inch @ 300 dpi

- make prototypes 3 Text only

- make prototypes 3 Image only

- make prototypes 4 Image and Text

Your 10 prototype logos need to be up in the class Google Photos album called "Proj 4 Prototypes" by Thur Oct 26th

Step 3 - Crit and receive feedback

(Tue Oct 26st at 3pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea

(starts Tue Oct 26th - due Thur Oct 28th by 2pm)

Step 5 - Crit and receive feedback

(Thur Oct 28th at 2pm)

Step 6 - Create final Logo

(Start  Thur Oct 28th due Tue Oct 28th)

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Tue Nov 2nd)


Day 15 Thur Oct 21st

What we learned


Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans

Animal Rescue


- Oneonta NY



- house homeless animals

- spay and neuter for local cats - population control

- provide temporary housing for people who get hospitalized

- vaccinate animals

- adoption & foster animals

- Pet food pantry for low income households


- Not for profit

- No kill

current goal

- obtain better facility




Manipulating imagery to create a logo in Photoshop.


Project Steps

Step 1- Research

(Due Tues Oct 19th beginning of class )

- look up and download 20 "animal rescue" logos that you find interesting or that inspire you. Save them into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

- research Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans on their website and social media. Andswer these questions. Who are they? What do they do? What is their rescue ideology.  What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

- research 3 other "Animal Rescue" websites. What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

Step 2 - Prototype ideas 

 (start Thur Oct 21st Tue - due Oct 26th )

Using the 20 logos you researched and Google Image search for the key words form the last blog create 10 aesthetically different mock ups of possible logos for"Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans"

If you don't have Photoshop, you can do this with paper and pencil or by using the GIMP.

Size - 5 inch x 5 inch @ 300 dpi

- make prototypes 3 Text only

- make prototypes 3 Image only

- make prototypes 4 Image and Text

Your 10 prototype logos need to be up in the class Google Photos album called "Proj 4 Prototypes" by Thur Oct 26th

Step 3 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Tue Oct 26st at 3pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea

(starts Tue Oct 26th - due Thur Oct 28th by 2pm)

Step 5 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Thur Oct 28th at 2pm)

Step 6 - Create final Logo

(Start  Thur Oct 28th due Tue Oct 28th)

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Tue Nov 2nd)


Day 14 Thur Oct 14th

 Bring your printed movie posters to class. ready to hang on the wall!

Help with commenting for Critiques

Things to comment on:
- How the 'Color' is affecting your understanding of the logo.
- How composition (the placement of visual elements in 2d space/positive and negative space/ rule of thirds) is affecting your understanding of the logo
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style 



Design Thinking for Problem Solving

Design Thinking can be used to solve problems across all disciplines and is currently being used by the Promise Committee to understand how to update and change the college education experience. We have been using it in the last couple of projects as a way to make better Movie Posters and now Logos for the FabLab

Design Thinking is a process much like Analytical Thinking (used in scientific experiments) and Systems Thinking (used for understanding in psychology and sociology). 

Design Thinking uses a 4 step non linear process shown below 

--Understand - Ideate - Prototype - Test--

How does this work for Project 4:

Our current problem:

* To create a logo that tells a story through visual aesthetics to attract and inform our customers. Our customers are people who want a pet, people who want to rescue animals and people who want to get rid of their pets


What are the key words associated with Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans?

  • Animals
  • Pets
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Rescue
  • ??

Ideate and Prototype
You created 10 different possibilities for the logo

You received feedback and consider it while creating the next set of prototypes

Go back to any phase of the process and continue

view first

time 20 min 17 sec

Key to good logos

- Keep it simple
- Make it bold
- Don't use fine details
- Limit the amount of colors 
- Only include whats necessary

Manipulating imagery to create a logo in Photoshop.


Project Steps

Step 1- Research

(Due Tues Oct 19th beginning of class )

- look up and download 20 "animal rescue" logos that you find interesting or that inspire you. Save them into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

- research Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans on their website and social media. Andswer these questions. Who are they? What do they do? What is their rescue ideology.  What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

- research 3 other "Animal Rescue" websites. What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

Step 2 - Prototype ideas 

 (start by Tue Oct 19 - due Thur Oct 21st)

Using the 20 logos you researched and Google Image search for the key words form the last blog create 10 aesthetically different mock ups of possible logos for"Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans"

If you don't have Photoshop, you can do this with paper and pencil or by using the GIMP.

Size - 5 inch x 5 inch @ 300 dpi

- make prototypes 3 Text only

- make prototypes 3 Image only

- make prototypes 4 Image and Text

Your 10 prototype logos need to be up in the class Google Photos album called "Proj 4 Prototypes" by Thur Oct 21st

Step 3 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Thur Oct 21st at 3pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea

(starts Thur Oct 21st due  Tues Oct 26th by 2pm)

Step 5 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Tue Oct 26th at 2pm)

Step 6 - Create final Logo

(Start  Tue Oct 26th due Thur Oct 28th)

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Thur Oct 28th)


DAy 13 Oct 12th


Upload your 3 Movie Posters to the Google Album for Review if you have not already.

Email your final movie poster jpeg to copycenter@hartwick.edu. Ask to get it printed once, on 11x17 size glossy paper. Bring the print with you to class on Thursday!



Logos and Brand Guidelines

This is about using text, color, and image to define the visual identity/story of a business, organization or individual.

How does Hartwick College use visuals to express who they are? Lets look at the Hartwick College Brand Guidelines.

Logo inspiration:
Check out these sites logogala and logomoose

Meaning of colors in art:

What is the process of creating a logo?
check out the 'Logo work through Guide'

Things to avoid:
- Watch out for 'Cliches'
plural noun: clichés; plural noun: cliches
  1. 1.
    a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.

"Light bulbs for 'ideas', speech bubbles for 'discussion', globes for 'international', etc. These ideas are easy to come up with but how is your design going to be unique when so many other logos feature the same idea?"

- Avoid Gimmicky Fonts
"When it comes to logo design, keep your font choices classic and simple and avoid over-garnishing"

- Don't make the logo too busy
"Keep it simple"

- Be inspired but don't steal ideas!



Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans


link to their website

Project Steps

Step 1- Research

(Due Tues Oct 19th beginning of class )

- look up and download 20 "animal rescue" logos that you find interesting or that inspire you. Save them into a folder on your computer or cellphone.

- research Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans on their website and social media. Andswer these questions. Who are they? What do they do? What is their rescue ideology.  What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

- research 3 other "Animal Rescue" websites. What is interesting? What caught your eye? What visuals (colors, fonts, ect ) do they currently use. Write this all down in a Google Doc

Step 2 - Prototype ideas 

 (start by Tue Oct 19 - due Thur Oct 21st)

Using the 20 logos you researched and Google Image search for the key words form the last blog create 10 aesthetically different mock ups of possible logos for"Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans"

If you don't have Photoshop, you can do this with paper and pencil or by using the GIMP.

Size - 5 inch x 5 inch @ 300 dpi

- make prototypes 3 Text only

- make prototypes 3 Image only

- make prototypes 4 Image and Text

Your 10 prototype logos need to be up in the class Google Photos album called "Proj 4 Prototypes" by Thur Oct 21st

Step 3 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Thur Oct 21st at 3pm)

Step 4 - Create 3 versions of the best logo idea

(starts Thur Oct 21st due  Tues Oct 26th by 2pm)

Step 5 - Crit and recieve feedback

(Tue Oct 26th at 2pm)

Step 6 - Create final Logo

(Start  Tue Oct 26th due Thur Oct 28th)

Step 7 - Crit final Logo

(Thur Oct 28th)


Day 12 Thur Oct 7th

Work on 3 poster versions


Upload Flattened jpgs to Google Photos Album

Review Posters

Work on final poster version


Day 11 Tue Oct 5th

Upload your 3 different Posters  to Google Photos Album




Review Posters

- first we will vote for your favorite poster

- then we will talk about what is working for the poster, what is interesting

- we will use the language of design to discuss the images

What we are looking at:

- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive and negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. We will try to generate meaning from these visual elements to make sense of the image. In this case what genre is this movie?