
Class Final

Final Exam Time
Tuesday 12/4 

Email you blogs email address to JOe at

Critique Cookie Cutters

- What is the subject mater?

- How does the color affect how you think about the subject matter?

- How does the transformation of the image into a cookie affect how you think about the subject matter?

- How does the act of consuming the cookie affect the viewers interpretation of the subject matter?

Critique Chess Pieces

- How did the artist interpret the chess piece? What clues did the artist include for you to know which chess piece it is?

- How does the color affect how you think about the chess piece?

- Does it contain geometric or organic elements?

Critique your Blogs

- What is the theme? 

- What imagery is being used, and what does it tell you about the blogs theme?

- What symbols are the designer using?

- How does the color affect the blog?

- What role does the choice of font(s) play?

Have a Great Vacation!

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