
In class Thur Sept 6th

Photoshop Basics Day 2

Bit Map vs Vector Graphics
memory vs math

- Change Screen Mode

Color Picker
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedroper tool

Drawing Tools
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
—- Depth of Field - How much of the image is in focus in front of and behind the image
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge

Selection Tools (they define a workable area)
- Selection Tools addition and subtraction
- Magic Wand/Quick Selection Tool
— Tolerance

- Making Layers
--- New Layer
--- Duplicate a Layer
--- Delete Layer
- Layer Visibility
- Moving a Layer
- Opacity
- Modes
- Locking 

Text Tools
- Horizontal Type Tool/Vertical Type Tool
- Horizontal Type Mask Tool/Vertical Type Mask Tool

Project 2

Virtual Record Shop

For this project you will appropriate images you find online through the process outlined below. The images and text you appropriate will be used to create a cover for an LP. This project is an exploration of appropriation, manipulation & layout and design. We will consider the meaning attached to images through context and our own expectations created through societal influence.

When manipulating your images in Photoshop, try using all the different tools in the tool bar (except the Slice tool and the History brush). See if you can figure out how to do something beyond what I have covered. Part of idea behind this project is to help you discover Photoshop on your own and also to help make you feel secure in just picking up a program and playing instead of being a afraid to try.

When downloading images for this project, Make sure you download the full size image!
Make sure to save your work often. Use the 'Save As' option to save a duplicate of your file (just change the file name). When you are finished with your image go to File --> Save for Web , and save your image as a JPEG, 100% quality. Do not check any other boxes. Save your images using this naming convention: yourname_01.jpg, yourname_02.jpg. (ie... jvonstengel_01.jpg)

The Process
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.

5 - Create 10 different Album Covers

6- Save your designs as explained above

6- Hand them in to Joe on your USB thumb drive

Work on Project
Project 2 due Thur Sept 13th by the end of class

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