
In class Wed Oct 25th

3d Design & 3d Printing

3d printing has been used by industry since the mid 1980's. It is used to print everything from food to human tissue to guns.

Our Makerbot Replicator 2 works through additive manufacturing. This is accomplished by laying down thin layers of plastic, one on top of the other, to build up a 3d structure.

Virtual models can be built in 3d software programs or captured with a 3d scanner or digital camera.


Thingiverse - free download 3d model library

Shapeways - Create and Sell 3d models

Premiere Pro (a video editor)

Creating a 'Resources' folder
- save this folder somewhere safe
- put all video, audio, and jpg files used in your project, in this folder
- never move the Resource Folder

Opening the Program
- Starting a New Project

Whats Where
- 4 windows: Media browser, Media viewer, Timeline, Timeline viewer
- tools

Import your video files and audio
-- you can Drag and Drop onto the time line

Selecting & Moving a clip

Export the movie

Work on Projects

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