
In class Mon Nov 30th

We started out this semester talking about how images effect us as individuals and society. We then learned how to manipulate images digitally with software. We also learned to consider our audience and how they react to things like color, lines, shapes, movement, subject mater and context. Below is an everyday example of digital manipulation for mass consumption. 

What changes did the manipulator of the image make and what do they signify to the viewer?

There are more ways then just digital manipulation to affect an image. How the image is framed through the context of language plays a major roll.

consider this map of states showing who will accept refugees.

How do they define each color. How does that make you feel about the state.

So what can this lead to? Consider this study done at Princeton University.

How did this happen? What has everyone been doing while this was going on? 

Maybe this had something to do with it.
The Story of Stuff

Notice the use of advertisements and mass media in this cycle? Now reconsider the meaning behind the changes made to Justin in his Calvin Klein ad. 

(though any press is good press and I wouldn't be surprised if the original images weren't leaked on purpose. )

Aquateen Hunger Force Movie viral ads 

Work On Projects

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