
In class Mon Nov 30th

We started out this semester talking about how images effect us as individuals and society. We then learned how to manipulate images digitally with software. We also learned to consider our audience and how they react to things like color, lines, shapes, movement, subject mater and context. Below is an everyday example of digital manipulation for mass consumption. 

What changes did the manipulator of the image make and what do they signify to the viewer?

There are more ways then just digital manipulation to affect an image. How the image is framed through the context of language plays a major roll.

consider this map of states showing who will accept refugees.

How do they define each color. How does that make you feel about the state.

So what can this lead to? Consider this study done at Princeton University.

How did this happen? What has everyone been doing while this was going on? 

Maybe this had something to do with it.
The Story of Stuff

Notice the use of advertisements and mass media in this cycle? Now reconsider the meaning behind the changes made to Justin in his Calvin Klein ad. 

(though any press is good press and I wouldn't be surprised if the original images weren't leaked on purpose. )

Aquateen Hunger Force Movie viral ads 

Work On Projects


In class Wed Nov 18th

Fill out the new SUMMAs!


In class Mon Nov 9th

Project 6 Assigned

Making images for the web
- just steal it!
- looking up dimensions
- 72dpi but really its about pixels
- Flatten and use  Save for Web to make a .jpg
- Upload it to your blog. The Banner will go in the "Header" of your Blog in the "Template" section.

The Background images can be changed under " "Customize" in the "Templates" area 

Making a Favicon

- Create an image 16 pixels X 16 pixel image in Photoshop

- Use Save for Web to create a .jpg

- Go to favicongenerator.com to translate it into a .ico file

- Upload your file onto your blog under "Layout" at the top. 

Putting Links on your Blog
- Under "Layout" select the area you want the links.
- Hit add Gadget and find the Link List. (notice there are a lot of things you can add to your blog) 
- add your link and the link name and save

3D Chess Pieces
Create your 3d chess pieces using 123D Design

Layout your chess pieces, 3 in one file 4 in the other, in the makerbot software

check the blog for the correct settings to use in MAkerbot save the file as a .thing

Show Joe your .thing files before you export!

Exported files have the .x3g designation

Work on Project


In class Wed Nov 4th

Chess Piece sizes

Rules for chess pieces to board size:   
The base diameter of the king should fall within a range of 68% to 75% of the square size.  For example, if you have a 2.25" board (each square is 2.25" x 2.25" or 57.1mm x 57.1mm) then the chess pieces you choose should have a king's base diameter of 2.25 x (0.68) to 2.25 x (0.75) which = 1.53" (38.9mm) to 1.687" (42.9mm) in diameter.

What we are working with:

Chessboard Square Tile - 40mm a side, this means no piece and be wider then 36mm

king - 75mm tall

queen - 70mm tall
bishop - 60mm tall

kinght - 50mm tall

rook - 45mm tall

pawn - 40mm tall

Special pieces - 55-65mm tall

Preparing your chess pieces for printing

1) open Makerware

2) Click on 'Prepare' and "Add File" to import your .STL's to the print bed

3) Use the 'Move' tool to separate the models from each other
* remember any models that are touching will be printed as a single piece

4) Use the 'Scale' too to resize the 3d models to the proper size
a- scale the piece to the proper hight and width. Set the model at the correct hight and adjust for the width if necessary.

5) Use 'Save to Library' to save your .Thing file to the desktop 

6) Change your 'Settings'
Resolution - Low(Faster)
Infill - 8%
# of Shells - 3
Layer Height - .30 mm

7) Export Print File
- Take a screen shot of the Export Info and keep it with your .x3g file. You will hand in both to me.

8) Show Joe your .Thing, .x3g & Export Info screen shot to be approved for printing and transfer to the SD card. Your files should be labeled with your first name and last initial ie.. joevs.thing

PLA Color Choices
- Red
- Black
- Purple
- Blue
- Gold
- Grey
- Brown
- Forest Green

Pick a color that you think will complement your design! 


In class Mon Nov 2nd

3d Design and Printing

Making Complex pieces using 123D design and Makerware

Saving the "working file"
Exporting the final STL

Makerbot - Makerware
- Opening the Program
- Explore, Library, Prepare, Store, Learn

View, Move, Rotate, Scale

Makerbot Replicator 2 settings
Low Quality
Layer Height .30mm
Infill 6-12%
# of Shells 3

Replicator Mini
Standard Quality
Layer height .20mm
Infill 6-12%
# of Shells 3

* always use rafts, use supports if any part of your model defies gravity!

Add File, Upload to Library, Print

Export Print File
- Take a screen shot (shift + cmd + 4) of the export information
- Print Preview
- Export for printing (Replicator 2 = .x3g)

Work on Project

Alternative Chess Pieces

Tiger - moves 2 spaces diagonally, when attacking moves back to original spot

Lion - Move 2 steps or jumps per turn in any adjacent direction. It can capture up to two pieces per turn, capture an adjacent piece without moving (stationary feeding), or move and return (effectively passing a turn). 

Tone General - Moves one square diagonally forward. 

Berolina Pawn - like a pawn but can also capture one step orthogonally to the side.

Dog - move one square directly forward, or diagonally backward.

Bug-Eyed Monster - Can jump to any square which would not be reachable by any orthodox chess piece. 

Hunter - Moves forward as a rook (along a file), and backward as a bishop (on diagonals). 

Grasshopper -  A hopper which moves along the same lines as a queen and lands on the square immediately beyond that of the hurdle. 
Gryphon - Moves one square diagonally followed by moving any number of spaces like a rook outwards

Zebra - Jumps one square orthogonally followed by two squares diagonally outwards. 

Nightrider - A rider which moves any number of knight moves in the same direction in a straight line. The Nightrider can not move any further in that direction once it captures a piece. 

Giraffe - Jumps one square diagonally followed by three squares orthogonally.

Gorgon - The Gorgon moves as a chess queen. At the end of its move, any enemy piece that is on a square adjacent to the Gorgon is frozen in place, and can not move away until the Gorgon moves away or is captured. The Gorgon can never move to an occupied square and can not capture pieces. If two Gorgons move next to each other, they are both frozen until the end of the game or until one is captured. An immobilized piece may commit suicide, e.g., to open a line of attack. This action counts as a move. 

Flying Falcon -Bishop that can step one square forward. 

Amazon - Combines the powers of the queen and the knight