Introduction to the web
The web gives us the ability to break the bounds of 'Space.'
It also helps us control 'Time.'
The ability to control Time & Space are two of the main aspects found in digital as an art medium.
The web is all about interaction and the "journey".
Have you ever read a "Choose Your Own Adventure" books?
Lets try it out.

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet:
* Web2.0 the Social Web, Web 3.0 The Semantic Web, Social Networking, Tags, Links, Embedded Code, RSS Feeds, Servers, Web Applications
How does it work?
- Head & Body model
- Head contains meta data, the title, and other info
- Body contains the content
- Created through the use of tags.
(b) = open
(/b) = close
to make a word 'bold' embed it between the tag. ex... Hello I'm Bold
Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels
Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash
Work on Project - to be on schedule you should have a folder full of images of your animation by the end of todays class!
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