
In class Mon Nov 25th

Assembling your Folders full of images into Video

Check out Quicktime Pro 7
- Open Image Sequence
--> pick your frame rate try between 6 and 12.

--> choose Quicktime Movie

-- Options
---> Size HD1920 x 1080 (or 1280 x 720 16:9)
--- Choose 'perserve aspect ratio' - letterbox
--->; Settings
-- H.264
-- Frame Rate 'current'
-- Key Frames 'auto'
-- Quality - set to the highest
-- Encode ' Best Multi pass'
-- Data Rate 'Auto'

- Choose the Desktop
- Click 'Save'

Now that you have your video file you need to edit it in a video editor. You can use Final Cut Express or iMovie to do this.

Make a folder on your desktop and name it with your name and drop your video file and audio files in it.

Final Cut Express

Make a file on your Desktop labeled: your name_final_cut

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
- file --> save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

Import your media
- file --> import --> files (locate your video file and audio files)

Manipulate your media on the timeline
- drag and drop your video file on the timeline in the "V" section
- drag and drop your audio files on the timeline in the "A" section
* note you can use the "arrow" tool in the toolbar to move the video or audio tracks
- If you see a red bar at the top of the timeline you need to render. use 'command+R' to do this

Edit the film and audio
- use the "blade" tool in the toolbar - 'B' is the Hotkey
- click on the track you wish to cut to select it.
- place the marquee where you want to cut the movie and click the mouse.
-- the timeline will now be in two pieces
-- you can delete part of a track by selecting it and clicking "delete"
-- get to the selection tool by pressing the "A" key

* Don't forget to hit SAVE a few times during the process.

Export your video
- When your video and audio are ready goto file --> export
- choose the QuickTime option and save it full size and 'self contained'
- export it to the desktop, this is your final video.
- Make sure your name is on the file. This one is the full size and goes to Joe

-Use iMovie for titles and fades

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
* choose the 16x9 aspect ratio
- file --> save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

- file --> import movie
- create a "new event" labeled with your name
- make sure the optimize check box is checked
- make sure 'copy files' is checked

* you can make titles and transitions

- You should have the name of your video at the beginning of your video

- You need to have the following info at the end of your video:
* your name
* the name of the person or place you got your audio from
* Art 213 Fall 2013
* Hartwick College

Export the Movie as large as you can.

- this video you will put up on youtube.


In class Wed Nov 20th

How to get your own web space and .com

- check out namesecure for domain names

- URL Grabber (domain forwarding)

* there are a lot of places to purchase web space up on the internet.

- I use Richmond Internet Technology but a quick web search will uncover many other possibilities.

To get your files up on the web you need a FTP program

* FTP = File Transfer Protocol

- The FTP program can connect your computer to a server so you can copy your files onto the server for distribution on the web.
*For Mac I like Fetch. On the PC try CuteFTP.

Work on Projects!


In class Mon Nov 18th

How to get your own web space and .com

- check out namesecure for domain names

- URL Grabber (domain forwarding)

* there are a lot of places to purchase web space up on the internet.

- I use Richmond Internet Technology but a quick web search will uncover many other possibilities.

To get your files up on the web you need a FTP program

* FTP = File Transfer Protocol

- The FTP program can connect your computer to a server so you can copy your files onto the server for distribution on the web.
*For Mac I like Fetch. On the PC try CuteFTP.

Assembling your pages, Slicing and your sites structure
- Open up a new document in Photoshop, 72dpi sized 960x620 pxls or smaller
- Save the doc with, 'Save As'
- Open your images and bring them into your new document
- Layout and Design your Images
-- Rulers & Guides
- Slice your image
- 'Save for web' your doc, include both images and HTML

Introduction to Dreamweaver
-Whats Where

the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in lowercase.
ex. - joevonstengel as my folder name

- Open Dreamweaver

- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it

- Open your HTML files from Photoshop in Dreamweaver one at a time

- Change your 'Background Color'

- Change your 'Title'

- 'Center' your image

- Make your 'Links'

- Save your pages in the 'mineself' folder inside the folder with your name.

Creating Rollovers in Dreamweaver

Work on Project!


In class Wed Nov 13th

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Creating web pages using Photoshop
- Create a folder on the desktop labeled with your first and last name in lower case. Ex. joevonstengel

- Ggo in to 'Preferences' and change the units from 'inches' to 'pixels'

- The first page of all websites is call 'index'
* It is important to make sure 'index' is in lowercase because web servers are case sensitive.

- Go to: file --> new
-- name the document 'index'
-- make sure the 'Resolution' is set to 72dpi
-- choose a page size no bigger then 960x620 pxls
-- 'Color Mode' = RGB
- Save your file
- Drag & Drop images from one of your folders into Photoshop

* This is your work space. Collage, blend, cut out & interact. Make sense or chaos out of the images you found on the internet. DO NOT USE TEXT!

- Save your file

- Slice up your file
* Slices have many advantages like a faster and more dynamic load time
* You can make links from slices in Dreamweaver!

- Save for Web (and Devices)

Lets look at the rules of a Website
- Only Folders, JPEGSGIFS and HTML/HTM are used on the web!
- Servers are case sensitive!
- Keep file names simple & relevant, all lower case, no spaces!
- File names can only be alpha numeric with "-" and "_"
- The first file of all web sites is labeled "index.html" all lower case
- You separate files on the server with folders

Project 5 Assigned

Work on Projects


In class Mon Nov 11th

Introduction to the web

The web gives us the ability to break the bounds of 'Space.'
It also helps us control 'Time.'

The ability to control Time & Space are two of the main aspects found in digital as an art medium.

The web is all about interaction and the "journey".

Have you ever read a "Choose Your Own Adventure" books?
Lets try it out.

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet:
* Web2.0 the Social Web, Web 3.0 The Semantic Web, Social Networking, Tags, Links, Embedded Code, RSS Feeds, Servers, Web Applications

How does it work?
- Head & Body model
- Head contains meta data, the title, and other info
- Body contains the content

- Created through the use of tags.
(b) = open
(/b) = close

to make a word 'bold' embed it between the tag. ex...   Hello I'm Bold

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash

Work on Project - to be on schedule you should have a folder full of images of your animation by the end of todays class!


In class Wed Nov 6th

Introduction to the Web

Introduction to the Internet



Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web

--- Flash
--- HTML

-- Web 3.0 = 'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Instagram, Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Vine, Youtube, Vimeo Sidereel (video)
--- Soundcloud, Indaba, Pandora, Musicovery (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Reddit, Upworthy, Digg, Stumble, Technorati (Aggregators)

How Does the web work?

Net Neutrality




Work on Project 4



In class Mon Nov 4th

Terry Gilliam

Final Cut Express

Make a file on your Desktop labeled: your name_final_cut

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
- file -->; save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

Import your media
- file --> import --> files (locate your video file and audio files)

Manipulate your media on the timeline
- drag and drop your video file on the timeline in the "V" section
- drag and drop your audio files on the timeline in the "A" section
* note you can use the "arrow" tool in the toolbar to move the video or audio tracks
- If you see a red bar at the top of the timeline you need to render. use 'command+R' to do this

Edit the film and audio
- use the "blade" tool in the toolbar - 'B' is the Hotkey
- click on the track you wish to cut to select it.
- place the marquee where you want to cut the movie and click the mouse.
-- the timeline will now be in two pieces
-- you can delete part of a track by selecting it and clicking "delete"
-- get to the selection tool by pressing the "A" key

* Don't forget to hit SAVE a few times during the process.

Export your video
- When your video and audio are ready goto file --> export
- choose the QuickTime option and save it full size and 'self contained'
- export it to the desktop, this is your final video.

- Make sure your name is on the file. This one is the full size and goes to Joe