
In class Wed Oct 16th



Stop motion Animation - images through time
- FPS (frames per second) or frame rate is the number of images that are shown in a seconds worth of time.
Traditional film = 24 FPS
Traditional animation = 12 FPS
Digital film = 30 - 60 FPS
Modern animation = 12 - 30 FPS

Which means 1 minute of 
Film = 1440 still images
Animation = 720 still imagesv
Digital = 1800 - 3600 still images

Story Dice

Project 4 Assigned

Project 4

Walk through of Project 4

Step 1 Come up with a story. Beginning - Middle - End

Step 2 Collect images to be used as your characters and backgrounds

Step 3 Create a new document sized 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall in Photoshop.

Step 4 Save the file with your name on the desktop.

Step 5 Create a folder on the desktop called : P4-your-name

Step 6 Animate
--> Move --> Save for Web --> Move --> Save for Web

* Save your files in your folder on the desktop. Make sure to name each saved file in number order. EX. A001.jpg, A002.jpg, A003.jpg

Project 3 - Hand in your jpeg image labeled with your name on you USB thumb drive.

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