
In class Wed Dec 5th


What's due!

Project 1 the blog is due by 5pm on the day of the final.

Project 4 is due by the end of the class on Wednesday. You need a .mov file labeled with your name.

Project 5 Mineself is due by the end of the class Wednesday. You need a folder named "mineself" which contains the html and image folders of your website.

Project 6 Home Page is due by the end of class Wednesday. You need a folder named your first initial/last name ex. "jvonstengel". Inside the folder should be the hompages index.html file and it's image folder as well as the 'mineself' folder. Your homepage needs to link to :

1) your blog
   - your blog should link to each of your sites below.
2) your flickr photo stream
   - your images from the CD assignment, Project 2 and Project 3 should be uploaded to flickr
3) your youtube channel
   - your video should be uploaded to your youtube channel
4) your 'mineself' website

Work on Projects

The class final is 4-7pm Monday 12/10

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