
In class mon Nov 19th

Introduction to the web

The web gives us the ability to break the bounds of 'Space.'
It also helps us control 'Time.'

The ability to control Time & Space are 2 of the main aspects of digital as an art medium.

The web is all about interaction and the Journey.

Have you ever read a "Choose Your Own Adventure" books?
Lets try it out.

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet:
* Web2.0, The Semantic Web, Social Networking, Tags, Links, Embedded Code, RSS Feeds, Servers, Web Applications,

How does it work?
- Head & Body model
- Head contains meta data, the title, and other info
- Body contains the content

- Created through the use of tags.
(b) = open
(/b) = close

to make a word 'bold' surrond it with the  tag. ex...  Hello I'm Bold

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Creating web pages using Photoshop
- First go in to 'Preferences' and change the units from 'inches' to 'pixels'

- The first page of all websites is call 'index'
* It is important to make sure 'index' is in lowercase because web servers are case sensitive.

- Go to: file --> new
-- name the document 'index'
-- make sure the 'Resolution' is set to 72dpi
-- choose a page size no bigger then 960x620 pxls
-- 'Color Mode' = RGB
- Save your file
- Drag & Drop images from one of your folders into Photoshop

* This is your work space. Collage, blend, cut out & interact. Make sense or chaos out of the images you found on the internet. DO NOT USE TEXT!

- Save your file

- Slice up your file
* Slices have many advantages like a faster and more dynamic load time
* You can make links from slices in Dreamweaver!

- Save for Web (and Devices)

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash

Project 5 Assigned

Work on Projects!

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