Assembling your pages, Slicing and your sites structure
- Open up a new document in Photoshop, 72dpi sized 960x620 pxls or smaller
- Save the doc with, 'Save As'
- Open your images and bring them into your new document
- Layout and Design your Images
-- Rulers & Guides
- Slice your image
- 'Save for web' your doc, include both images and HTML
Introduction to Dreamweaver
-Whats Where
-Whats Where
the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in lowercase.
ex. - joevonstengel as my folder name
- Open Dreamweaver
- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it
- Open your HTML files from Photoshop in Dreamweaver one at a time
- Change your 'Background Color'
- Change your 'Title'
- 'Center' your image
- Make your 'Links'
- Save your pages in the 'mineself' folder inside the folder with your name.
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in lowercase.
ex. - joevonstengel as my folder name
- Open Dreamweaver
- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it
- Open your HTML files from Photoshop in Dreamweaver one at a time
- Change your 'Background Color'
- Change your 'Title'
- 'Center' your image
- Make your 'Links'
- Save your pages in the 'mineself' folder inside the folder with your name.
Creating Rollovers in Dreamweaver
How to get your own web space and .com
- check out namesecure for domain names
- URL Grabber (domain forwarding)
* there are a lot of places to purchase web space up on the internet.
- I use Richmond Internet Technology but a quick web search will uncover many other possibilities.
To get your files up on the web you need a FTP program
* FTP = File Transfer Protocol
- The FTP program can connect your computer to a server so you can copy your files onto the server for distribution on the web.
*For Mac I like Fetch. On the PC try CuteFTP.
Work on Project!