
The Final

the Final - Monday 23rd 12-3pm

Grade Your Work for the semester.

Is your website on the list at the top of this page?

Review your websites

Enjoy the Summer!


10% Participation (in-class and online)

10% Assignments

30% Project 1 ArtBlog

10% Project 2 Visual Re-Mix

10% Project 3 Transformation

10% Project 4 Photoshop-motion Animated Video

10% Project 5 Net.Art

10% Project 6 Personal Network

Grades are determined through the following Rubric: Craftsmanship, Aesthetic, Consideration, Effort & Directions

Craftsmanship - the quality and skill used in the creation and a presentation of your finished projects

Aesthetic - the visual appearance of the content of your finished project. Your images aesthetic quality, composition and the images content.

Consideration - this is the area that looks at the depth of your project. how does what you created function in society, what does it say (or not say)?

Effort - Did you try or not? If this comes easy to you then you really need to work hard to show effort.

Directions - all projects have specific directions on how to name files and when projects are due. following the directions makes it easier for me to work with and review your files. all projects are expected to be complete on the due date.

100-92 A = You tried very hard, handed in all the projects and assignments on time and created excellent work.

91-83 B = You tried hard and handed in all the projects and assignments on time and created great work.

82-74 C = You tried, handed in most of the projects & assignments on time and created good work.

73-65 D = You barely tried, handed in most of the projects & assignments and created good work.

64-0 F = You really didn’t try and didn’t hand in much work.

Turning in Projects

1. Projects are due at the beginning of class on the scheduled critique day.

2. Late projects are due exactly one week from the critique date. Late projects will lose ½ a letter grade. Projects will not be accepted after the late date and will be assessed based on the work turned in for critique.


1. If you are late or miss a regular critique, the project for that critique will be lowered by one letter grade.

2. Attendance at the Final critique is mandatory. Missing the final critique will result in an “F” for the Final Project. NO late Final Projects will be accepted!

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