
Final Exam

Monday 4-7pm

Digital Art Lab


In class wed Nov 30th

The Final is on ???

Work on Projects!


in class Mon Nov 28th

How to get your own web space and .com

- check out namesecure for domain names

- URL Grabber (domain forwarding)

* there are a lot of places to purchase web space up on the internet.

- I use Richmond Internet Technology but a quick web search will uncover many other possibilities.

To get your files up on the web you need a FTP program

* FTP = File Transfer Protocol

- The FTP program can connect your computer to a server so you can copy your files onto the server for distribution on the web.
*For Mac I like Fetch. On the PC try CuteFTP.

Work on Project!


In class mon Nov 21st

Final Project Assigned!

Introduction to Dreamweaver

-Whats Where

the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in lowercase.
ex. - joevonstengel as my folder name

- Open Dreamweaver

- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it

- Open your HTML files from Photoshop in Dreamweaver one at a time

- Change your 'Background Color'

- Change your 'Title'

- 'Center' your image

- Make your 'Links'

- Save your pages in the 'mineself' folder inside the folder with your name.

Creating Rollovers in Dreamweaver

Work on Project!


In class wed Nov 16th

The Web

'Structures of Experience'

- The structure of the experience on the web is created through linking.
- How and What you link too, in What order changes the viewers experience.

Lets look at how a Web site is set up on a server
- Only Folders, JPEGS, GIFS and HTML/HTM are used on the web!
- Servers are case sensitive!
- Keep file names simple & relevant, all lower case, no spaces!
- File names can only be alpha numeric with "-" and "_"
- The first file of all web sites is labeled "index.html" all lower case
- You can seperate files on the server with folders

Assembling your pages, Slicing and your sites structure
- Open up a new document in Photoshop, 72dpi sized 960x620 pxls or smaller
- Save the doc with, 'Save As'
- Open your images and bring them into your new document
- Layout and Design your Images
-- Rulers & Guides
- Slice your image
- 'Save for web' your doc, include both images and HTML


In class Nov 14th

Lets check out the web!

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Creating web pages using Photoshop
- First go in to 'Preferences' and change the units from 'inches' to 'pixels'

- The first page of all websites is call 'index'
* It is important to make sure 'index' is in lowercase because web servers are case sensitive.

- Go to: file --> new
-- name the document 'index'
-- make sure the 'Resolution' is set to 72dpi
-- choose a page size no bigger then 960x620 pxls
-- 'Color Mode' = RGB
- Save your file
- Drag & Drop images from one of your folders into Photoshop

* This is your work space. Collage, blend, cut out & interact. Make sense or chaos out of the images you found on the internet. DO NOT USE TEXT!

- Save your file

- Slice up your file
* Slices have many advantages like a faster and more dynamic load time
* You can make links from slices in Dreamweaver!

- Save for Web (and Devices)

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash


In class wed Nov 9th

Introduction to the web

The web gives us the ability to break the bounds of 'Space.'
It also helps us control 'Time.'

The ability to control Time & Space are 2 of the main aspects of digital as an art medium.

The web is all about interaction and the Journey.

Have you ever read a "Choose Your Own Adventure" books?
Lets try it out.

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet:
* Web2.0, The Semantic Web, Social Networking, Tags, Links, Embedded Code, RSS Feeds, Servers, Web Applications,

How does it work?
- Head & Body model
- Head contains meta data, the title, and other info
- Body contains the content

- Created through the use of tags.
<> = open
= close

to make a word 'bold' surrond it with the tag. ex... Hello I'm Bold
to make a paragraph break

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash

Project 5 Assigned

Work on Projects!

Hand in Videos by the end of class.


In class mon Nov 7th

Introduction to the Web

Introduction to the Internet




Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web

--- Flash
--- HTML

-- Web 2.0
'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel (video)
--- Podcasting, Pandora, Musicovery, Amie Street (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Digg, Stumble, Technorati, PopUrls (Aggregators)

How Does the web work?

Net Neutrality




Work on Project 4

Project 4 Due Wednesday!



In class wed Nov 2nd

Once your images are saved from Photoshop into a folder they need to be processed into a video. Use QuickTime Player 7 and the "import an images sequence" option in the "File" menu. Pick your frame rate (FPS) try between 6 and 12.

Now that you have your video file you need to edit it in a video editor. You can use Final Cut Express or iMovie to do this.

Make a folder on your desktop and name it with your name and drop your video file and audio files in it.

Final Cut Express

Make a file on your Desktop labeled: your name_final_cut

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
- file --> save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

Import your media
- file --> import --> files (locate your video file and audio files)

Manipulate your media on the timeline
- drag and drop your video file on the timeline in the "V" section
- drag and drop your audio files on the timeline in the "A" section
* note you can use the "arrow" tool in the toolbar to move the video or audio tracks
- If you see a red bar at the top of the timeline you need to render. use 'command+R' to do this

Edit the film and audio
- use the "blade" tool in the toolbar - 'B' is the Hotkey
- click on the track you wish to cut to select it.
- place the marquee where you want to cut the movie and click the mouse.
-- the timeline will now be in two pieces
-- you can delete part of a track by selecting it and clicking "delete"
-- get to the selection tool by pressing the "A" key

* Don't forget to hit SAVE a few times during the process.

Export your video
- When your video and audio are ready goto file --> export
- choose the QuickTime option and save it full size and 'self contained'
- export it to the desktop, this is your final video.
- Make sure your name is on the file. This one is the full size and goes to Joe

-Use iMovie for titles and fades

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file -->; new Project
* choose the 16x9 aspect ratio
- file -->; save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

- file -- import movie
- create a "new event" labeled with your name
- make sure the optimize check box is checked
- make sure 'copy files' is checked

* you can make titles and transitions

- You should have the name of your video at the beginning of your video

- You need to have the following info at the end of your video:
* your name
* the name of the person or place you got your audio from
* Art 213 Spr 11
* Hartwick College

Export the Movie as large as you can.
- this video you will put up on youtube.

Work on Project 4


In class Mon Oct 31st

Your Folder Full of Images is due today!

How to turn your folder full of images into a video.

- Quicktime Pro is best to use because of the HD size
- "Import Image Sequence"
- Frames Per Second - FPS

Video Formats
- contain both a video and audio trac
- not all codex's are cross platform

Finding legal content
- CCmixter
- Archive.org

*What is Creative Commons
- cc
- check out Flickr

Working in ????
- importing video
- importing audio

Work on Project 4



In class thur Oct 19th





http://vimeo.com/2216042 - hit embed to view video









Critique Day 2

Finish up Project 2 & Crit Project 3

Walk through of Project 4

Step 1 Come up with a story. Beginning - Middle - End

Step 2 Collect images to be used as your characters and backgrounds

Step 3 Create a new document sized 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels tall in Photoshop.

Step 4 Save the file with your name on the desktop.

Step 5 Create a folder on the desktop called your P4-your-name

Step 6 Animate
-> Move -> Save for Web -> Move - > Save for Web

* Save your files in your folder on the desktop. Make sure to name each saved file in number order. EX. A001.jpg, A002.jpg, A003.jpg


In class Mon Oct 16th

Critique Project 2 & 3


Grades are determined through the following Rubric:

Craftsmanship, Aesthetic, Consideration, Effort & Directions

Craftsmanship - the quality and skill used in the creation and a presentation of your finished projects

Aesthetic - the visual appearance of the content of your finished project. Your images aesthetic quality, composition and the images content.

Consideration - this is the area that looks at the depth of your project. how does what you created function in society, what does it say (or not say)?

Effort - Did you try or not? If this comes easy to you then you really need to work hard to show effort.

Directions - all projects have specific directions on how to name files and when projects are due. following the directions makes it easier for me to work with and review your files. all projects are expected to be complete on the due date.

Project 2 - Due Sept 28th end of class

Create 3 images in Photoshop to be hung as a tryptic. Pick a key word for each image and use it to find images on Google. Appropriate the images and use them to create your 3 different panels. Collage, blend, re-mix and create. Think about how the words work with the images. Consider how the images relate to each other.

Project 2

Cft - 12%

- the quality and skill used in the creation and a presentation of your finished projects

Astc - 22%

- the visual appearance of the content of your finished project. Your images aesthetic quality, composition and the images content.

Cnsd - 36% - 12 pts each

- Consider how the images relate to each other.

- Think about how the words work with the images.

- Consider how the tryptic is hung

Dir - 30% - 6 pts each

- Create 3 images in Photoshop to be hung as a tryptic.

- Pick a key word for each image and use it to find images on Google. Appropriate the images and use them to create your 3 different panels.

- name your files with you name

- hand in your files on a USB thumbdrive

- Hand in your project on time

Project 3 - Due Oct 1oth by the end of class

Do a search for 2 famous people and appropriate 2 high(er) resolution images. Using Photoshop combine the 2 images so they blend into one person. You are trying to achieve perfection.

Project 3

Cft - 40% - 10 pts each

* the quality and skill used in the creation and a presentation of your finished project

- skin tone/texture

- shape/size

- edges/blending

- believeability

Astc - 30%

- the visual appearance of the content of your finished project. Your image's aesthetic quality, composition and the images content.

Cnsd - 15% - pts each

- Consider how the images of the celebs relate to each other.

Dir - 15% - 3 pts each

- Do a search for 2 famous people and appropriate 2 high(er) resolution images.

- Using Photoshop combine the 2 images so they blend into one person.

- name your files with you name

- hand in your files on a USB thumbdrive

- Hand in your project on time


In class mon Oct 10th


Time based Media

John Whitney's

John Whitney created his amazing visuals through the manipulation of his analog computer/film camera device. He built the device by using the pieces from a WWII anti-aircraft gun sight. One of his most famous works created on his device was the animated title sequence from Alfred Hitchcock's 1958 film Vertigo, which he collaborated on with the graphic designer Saul Bass.


Project 3 Due By the end of class

Project 4 assigned.

No class on Wednesday Work on Project!


In class wed Oct 5th

Photoshop Basics

Meg - Patch Tool




Work on Project 3

Critique Project 2 on Monday Oct 10th


In class mon Oct 3rd

Walk through of project 3

Work on Project 3


In class wed Sept 28th


Photoshop Basics
Meg - Patch Tool
Emily - Healing Brush

Vector Tools
- Shape Tool
- Type Tool

Project 3 Assigned

Tips for Accomplishing Project 3
1) find images that are at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side
2) look for images that have people/things in similar positions
3) look for images with a light source that comes from the same side.
4) look for images that are similar in tone
5) duplicate important layers when necessary
6) save often

* Be considerate of who the celebrities are that you are choosing. What is their new identity when they are "mashed up".

Work on Project 2

Hand in Project 2 before you leave class today!


In class Mon 26th

Photoshop Basic Tools

Michaela - Burn Tool

Kate - Dodge Tool

Liz - Sharpen

Audrey - Blur

Cayley - Smudge

- Crop

- Image Rotation

Image --> Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels

RGB = Red Green Blue
CMYK = Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Work on Project Due Wednesday


In class wed Sept 21st

Image Qualities & Aesthetics connected to changes in technology


Photoshop Basic Tools

DeVante - Pencil Tool

Ashley - Brush Tool

Beck - Paint Bucket

Jill - Gradient

JOe - Crop

Photoshop Advanced Tools
- selection tools

- Layers

- clone stamp / pattern stamp

- healing brush / patch tool

Work on Project 2

Proj 2 Due Wed Sept 28th


In class mon Sept 19th

Flash Drive Test!

Hand in and Review the DaDa CD covers.

Photoshop Tools

DeVante - Pencil Tool

Ashley - Brush Tool

Meryl - Eraser Tool

- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper

Project 2 Assigned Due Wed 28th Sept

Work on Project!


In Class Wed Sept 14th

*Flash Drive Test on Monday!

Example: Worth 1000

Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New

* File Types

- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever

-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file

in class Assignment: Dada CD cover

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.

5 - Create 5 different Album Covers

6- Hand them in to Joe

Work on Assignment


In class Mon Sept 12th

Bring Your Computers to class!

Lets talk about the Mac

the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is

File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
What questions do you have for me?

Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash

do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program

to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash

Web 2.0 - Web 3.0

Popular Web 2.0 Applications
- Flickr, Picasa
- Blogger, TypePad, WordPress
- Picnik, Sumo Paint
- Facebook, Myspace

*remember to ALWAYS log out of your Web 2.0 accounts when you are done!

Semester Project 1 Assigned

work on Project



Hello and Welcome to the Art213 Intro to Digital Media blog. This blog contains up-to-date information on the class, assignments & projects. There are also important links from this blog to other class resources. This blog is the hub of the class don't forget to check if frequently. I usually updated the blog within 24 hours of class.
There are 4 Teaching Assistants for this class.
Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.

The Intro to digital media class is an overview of Print based media, Time based media and Interactive Media. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe Creative Suite 4 which includes Photosop, ImageReady, Final Cut Express, & Dreamweaver as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications(YouTube, Flickr, Picnik & Blogs).

We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter perception. We will also look to create a definition for 'Digital Art' as a new medium within the art world.
* This class has a $100 Lab fee & you will need a 2 GB thumbdrive.

Lets take the Awareness Test!


The Final

the Final - Monday 23rd 12-3pm

Grade Your Work for the semester.

Is your website on the list at the top of this page?

Review your websites

Enjoy the Summer!


10% Participation (in-class and online)

10% Assignments

30% Project 1 ArtBlog

10% Project 2 Visual Re-Mix

10% Project 3 Transformation

10% Project 4 Photoshop-motion Animated Video

10% Project 5 Net.Art

10% Project 6 Personal Network

Grades are determined through the following Rubric: Craftsmanship, Aesthetic, Consideration, Effort & Directions

Craftsmanship - the quality and skill used in the creation and a presentation of your finished projects

Aesthetic - the visual appearance of the content of your finished project. Your images aesthetic quality, composition and the images content.

Consideration - this is the area that looks at the depth of your project. how does what you created function in society, what does it say (or not say)?

Effort - Did you try or not? If this comes easy to you then you really need to work hard to show effort.

Directions - all projects have specific directions on how to name files and when projects are due. following the directions makes it easier for me to work with and review your files. all projects are expected to be complete on the due date.

100-92 A = You tried very hard, handed in all the projects and assignments on time and created excellent work.

91-83 B = You tried hard and handed in all the projects and assignments on time and created great work.

82-74 C = You tried, handed in most of the projects & assignments on time and created good work.

73-65 D = You barely tried, handed in most of the projects & assignments and created good work.

64-0 F = You really didn’t try and didn’t hand in much work.

Turning in Projects

1. Projects are due at the beginning of class on the scheduled critique day.

2. Late projects are due exactly one week from the critique date. Late projects will lose ½ a letter grade. Projects will not be accepted after the late date and will be assessed based on the work turned in for critique.


1. If you are late or miss a regular critique, the project for that critique will be lowered by one letter grade.

2. Attendance at the Final critique is mandatory. Missing the final critique will result in an “F” for the Final Project. NO late Final Projects will be accepted!


In class wed MAy 18th


Finish your Mineself and Homepage websites!

hand in your web folder to Joe (the folder with your first & last name on it)

Your website needs to be uploaded to the server by 4pm!

Don't Forget The Final Project, get your work up on your flickr and youtube accounts and link them to your blog.

* Also make sure you email me your blog web address if you have not done so already!

Class Final Monday May 23rd 12-3pm


In class Wed May 11th

How to get your own web space and .com

- check out namesecure for domain names

- URL Grabber (domain forwarding)

* there are a lot of places to purchase web space up on the internet.

- I use Richmond Internet Technology but a quick web search will uncover many other possibilities.

To get your files up on the web you need a FTP program

* FTP = File Transfer Protocol

- The FTP program can connect your computer to a server so you can copy your files onto the server for distribution on the web.
*For Mac I like Fetch. On the PC try CuteFTP.

Work on Project!


In class mon May 9th

Introduction to Dreamweaver

-Whats Where

the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in lowercase.
ex. - joevonstengel as my folder name

- Open Dreamweaver

- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it

- Open your HTML files from Photoshop in Dreamweaver one at a time

- Change your 'Background Color'

- Change your 'Title'

- 'Center' your image

- Make your 'Links'

- Save your pages in the 'mineself' folder inside the folder with your name.

Creating Rollovers in Dreamweaver

Work on Project


In class wed May 4th

The Web

'Structures of Experience'

- The structure of the experience on the web is created through linking.
- How and What you link too, in What order changes the viewers experience.

Assembling your pages, Slicing and your sites structure
- Open up a new document in Photoshop, 72dpi sized 960x620 pxls or smaller
- Save the doc with, 'Save As'
- Open your images and bring them into your new document
- Layout and Design your Images
- Slice your image
- 'Save for web' your doc, include both images and HTML



In class mon May 2nd

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Creating web pages using Photoshop
- First go in to 'Preferences' and change the units from 'inches' to 'pixels'

- The first page of all websites is call 'index'
* It is important to make sure 'index' is in lowercase because web servers are case sensitive.

- Go to: file --> new
-- name the document 'index'
-- make sure the 'Resolution' is set to 72dpi
-- choose a page size no bigger then 960x620 pxls
-- 'Color Mode' = RGB
- Save your file
- Drag & Drop images from one of your folders into Photoshop

* This is your work space. Collage, blend, cut out & interact. Make sense or chaos out of the images you found on the internet. DO NOT USE TEXT!

- Save your file

- Slice up your file
* Slices have many advantages like a faster and more dynamic load time
* You can make links from slices in Dreamweaver!

- Save for Web (and Devices)

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash


In class wed Apr 27th

Hand in Videos by the end of class.

Introduction to the web

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet


Project 5 Assigned

Work on Projects!


In class mon Apr 25th

Introduction to the Web

Introduction to the Internet




Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web

--- Flash
--- HTML
-- Web 2.0
'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel (video)
--- Podcasting, Pandora, Musicovery, Amie Street (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Digg, Stumble, Technorati, PopUrls (Aggregators)

How Does the web work?

Net Neutrality




Project 5 Assigned

Hand in Stopmotion Animation Films (Project 4)

Review Project 4



In class wed Apr 20th

Today you should be to the point of finishing up your video!

Once your images are saved from Photoshop into a folder they need to be processed into a video. Use QuickTime Player 7 and the "import an images sequence" option in the "File" menu. Pick your frame rate (FPS) try between 6 and 12.

Now that you have your video file you need to edit it in a video editor. You can use Final Cut Express or iMovie to do this.

Make a folder on your desktop and name it with your name and drop your video file and audio files in it.

Final Cut Express

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
- file--> save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

Import your media
- file --> import --> files (locate your video file and audio files)

Manipulate your media on the timeline
- drag and drop your video file on the timeline in the "V" section
- drag and drop your audio files on the timeline in the "A" section
* note you can use the "arrow" tool in the toolbar to move the video or audio tracks
- If you see a red bar at the top of the timeline you need to render. use 'command+R' to do this

Edit the film and audio
- use the "blade" tool in the toolbar
- click on the track you wish to cut to select it.
- place the marquee where you want to cut the movie and click the mouse.
-- the timeline will now be in two pieces
-- you can delete part of a track by selecting it and clicking "delete"

* Don't forget to hit SAVE a few times during the process.

Export your video
- When your video and audio are ready goto file --> export
- choose the QuickTime option and save it full size and 'self contained'
- export it to the desktop, this is your final video.
- Make sure your name is on the file. This one is the full size and goes to Joe

-Use iMovie for titles and fades

Open a file and save it
- Close old projects
- file --> new Project
* choose the 16x9 aspect ratio
- file --> save Project (put it in the folder with your name on the desktop)

- file -- import movie
- create a "new event" labeled with your name
- make sure the optimize check box is checked
- make sure 'copy files' is checked

* you can make titles and transitions

- You should have the name of your video at the beginning of your video

- You need to have the following info at the end of your video:
* your name
* the name of the person or place you got your audio from
* Art 213 Spr 11
* Hartwick College

Export the Movie as large as you can.
- this video you will put up on youtube.


In class mon Apr 18th

Turn your Folder full of images into a video file .MOV

Find audio and sound effects for your animation.

Import your video into Final Cut Express

Work on Project


In class wed Apr 13th

Your Folder Full of Images is due today!

How to turn your folder full of images into a video.

- Quicktime Pro is best to use because of the HD size
- "Import Image Sequence"
- Frames Per Second - FPS

Video Formats
- contain both a video and audio trac
- not all codex's are cross platform

Finding legal content
- CCmixter
- Archive.org

*What is Creative Commons
- cc
- check out Flickr

Working in ????
- importing video
- importing audio

Work on Project 4


In class Mon Apr 11th

Critique Project 3

Work on Project 4

Critique Project 2 on Wednesday!

* If you miss class on a critique day, you will loose one letter grade on the project being critiqued.



In Class mon Apr

Motion Graphics

John Whitney's

John Whitney created his amazing visuals through the manipulation of his analog computer/film camera device. He built the device by using the pieces from a WWII anti-aircraft gun sight. One of his most famous works created on his device was the animated title sequence from Alfred Hitchcock's 1958 film Vertigo, which he collaborated on with the graphic designer Saul Bass.

A guide to HD Video on CNET


In class wed Mar 23rd

Walk through Project 4


