
In class Thur Nov 16th

Final Exam Time
Wed 12/11 

Making images for the web
- just steal it!
- looking up dimensions
- 72dpi but really its about pixels
- Flatten and use Save for Web to make a .jpg
- Upload it to your blog. The Banner will go in the "Header" of your Blog in the "Template" section.

The Background images can be changed under " "Customize" in the "Templates" area 

Making a Favicon

- Create an image 16 pixels X 16 pixel image in Photoshop

- Use Save for Web to create a .jpg

- Go to favicongenerator.com to translate it into a .ico file

- Upload your file onto your blog under "Layout" at the top. 

Putting Links on your Blog
- Under "Layout" select the area you want the links.

- Hit add Gadget and find the Link List. (notice there are a lot of things you can add to your blog) 

- add your link and the link name and save

Project 6 Assigned

Work on Projects


In class tue Nov 12th

3D Printing!

Colors for our Chess Set - What are good color choices and why?

What to do to get your files printed.

1) Show Joe your model laid out in the Makerbot software
2) Pick a PLA color
3) Get on the color rotation list
4) Transfer your file to the appropriate printer
* The one Replicator 2 needs a .x3g file.
* Makerbot Mini and other Replicator 2 use a .thing file.

Cookie cutter dimensions

back layer = 3mm tall

mid layer = 9mm tall

outside layer = 13mm tall

Work on Projects


In class Thur Nov 8th

Critique Project 5

How to use Makerbot Software

Open the Makerbot Software

What's Where
- Top Options
under "Prepare"
Settings - Add File - Upload to Library - Preview - Export Print File - Print

- Navigation

- View

- Move Objects

- Rotate Object

- Scale Object

Saving and Printing your File
Save your file as a ".thing"

Export your file as an ".x3g"

How to Make and Print your cookie cutter.

1) Create a black and white JPEG in Photoshop for your outline, background and impression of your cookie cutter.

2) You need to make an SVG (scalable vector graphics) file from each of your JPGS. Try the online SVG converter here. 

3) Using TinkerCad, import your SVGs, scale them to the appropriate hight on the Z axis then export each as an STL

4) Open the Makerbot software. Drag and Drop all three STL files onto the print bed. Click "Don't Scale" win the pop up box. 

5) Resize your cookie cutters to fit properly on the print bed.

6) Save your 3D file as a ".thing" file and exported as a .X3G 


For the Makerbot Software:
- Always make sure the model is on the platform before exporting
- Kepp your file names less then 6 characters. Ex.. cow.x3g

For 3D Printing:
- Always watch your print while printing for the first 15% the check on it every 20 min.
- Make sure the filament is positioned correctly on the back of the printer
- Never use anything metal on the print bed


In class Tue Nov 6th

- create an account here
- Your TinkerCad Home Page

TinkerCad Basics

Starters get help here

Placing an Object

Controlling the View 

Moving your Object

Rotate your Object

Change the size of your Object

Group Objects together

Align Objects

Lessons get info here

Learning the Moves

Camera Controls

Creating Holes

Scale, Copy & Paste

------ Project 5 Specifics ------

Chess Piece sizes

Rules for chess pieces to board size:   
The base diameter of the king should fall within a range of 68% to 75% of the square size.  For example, if you have a 2.25" board (each square is 2.25" x 2.25" or 57.1mm x 57.1mm) then the chess pieces you choose should have a king's base diameter of 2.25 x (0.68) to 2.25 x (0.75) which = 1.53" (38.9mm) to 1.687" (42.9mm) in diameter.

What we are working with:

Chessboard Square Tile - 40mm a side, this means no piece and be wider then 36mm

king - 75mm tall

queen - 70mm tall
bishop - 60mm tall

kinght - 50mm tall

rook - 45mm tall

pawn - 40mm tall

Special pieces - 50-65mm tall

Preparing your chess pieces for printing

1) open Makerware

2) Click on 'Prepare' and "Add File" to import your .STL's to the print bed

3) Use the 'Move' tool to separate the models from each other
* remember any models that are touching will be printed as a single piece

4) Use the 'Scale' too to resize the 3d models to the proper size
a- scale the piece to the proper hight and width. Set the model at the correct hight and adjust for the width if necessary.

5) Use 'Save As' to save your .Thing file to the desktop 

6) Change your 'Settings'
Resolution - Low(Faster)
Infill - 8%
# of Shells - 3
Layer Height - .30 mm

7) Export Print File
- Take a screen shot of the Export Info and keep it with your .x3g file. You will hand in both to me.

8) Show Joe your .Thing, .x3g & Export Info screen shot to be approved for printing. Your files should be labeled with your initials and a number ie.. jvs1.thing

Special Piece: check here

How to complete Project 5 part 1

1) Research various types of chess pieces
2) Create your Chess pieces (123D Design)
3) Layout your Chess pieces for printing (Makerware)
4) Print your chess pieces on the 3d printer

Project 5 part 2
Cookie cutter dimensions:

back layer = 3mm tall

mid layer = 9mm tall

outside layer = 13mm tall