
In class Wed Mar 22nd

Critique Final Posters

Look at your 20 Town Seals

Work on Projects


In class Mon Mar 13

Answers to our questions about the "Town" Seal!

Create 3 ideas for the town seal for Wednesday March 15th

Critique your 3 Posters Revisions

Create and get printed a final version of your best Poster idea for next Monday the 20th at the beginning of class.

Work on Projects 


In class Wed Mar 8th

Finish the Critique for Project 2

Lets review your questions for the client about the City Seal

Your 3 poster ideas are due today


Logo inspiration:

Logo colors:

Logo work through Guide

Things to avoid:
- Watch out for Cliches'
"Light bulbs for 'ideas', speech bubbles for 'discussion', globes for 'international', etc. These ideas are easy to come up with but how is your design going to be unique when so many other logos feature the same idea?"

- Avoid Gimmicky Fonts
"When it comes to logo design, keep your font choices classic and simple and avoid over-garnishing"

- Don't make the logo too busy
"Keep it simple"

- Be inspired but don't steal ideas - logothief.com  

Critique Projet 3 The Movie Posters


In class Mon Mar 6th

Logo Creation/Seal Creation 

12 general rules to consider

Some Basics 
1. The logo should reflect the company in a unique and honest way.
2. Avoid too much detail.
3. Your logo should work well in black and white (one-color printing). 
4. Make sure your logo's scalable. 
5. Your logo should be artistically balanced. 

Critique Part 3

Things to consider:
We are using the format of a CD cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?

Work on Project 3 - Ask Questions