Printing in Photoshop
- Choose a Printer
- Print Settings
--- Paper Size
--- Layout and other Options
--- Making a PDF from the print menu
- Layout - Horizontal & Vertical
- Color Management - controls wether printer or photoshop handles color correction
--- Check out what happens when I check "Match Print Colors"
- Position and Size - resize and change the position of a design
- Printing Marks - registration and crop marks for layout and cutout
--- Unprintable Border
- Choose a Printer
- Print Settings
--- Paper Size
--- Layout and other Options
--- Making a PDF from the print menu
- Layout - Horizontal & Vertical
- Color Management - controls wether printer or photoshop handles color correction
--- Check out what happens when I check "Match Print Colors"
- Position and Size - resize and change the position of a design
- Printing Marks - registration and crop marks for layout and cutout
--- Unprintable Border
Steps 1-4 of Project 3 are due today!
-Tell me your story in 2 sentences.
-Show me the Posters you chose as source material.
How to Create Project 3
1) Write out your Movie idea!
2) Look up and download 10 examples of posters that inspire you
3) Compile a list of important information that needs to be on the poster including: movie title, main actors/actresses, film company, producers, date, credits, ext… (use the 10 examples you downloaded as a guide)
4) Collect a variety of imagery to work with for your poster
4a) Make sure to find the largest images possible
Critique Part 2
What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style