
In Class Thursday March 24th

Film & Stop motion Animation = sequence images through time.

- FPS (frames per second) or frame rate is the number of images that are shown in a seconds worth of time.

Traditional film = 24 FPS

Traditional animation = 12 FPS
Digital film = 30 - 60 FPS
Modern animation = 12 - 30 FPS

Which means 1 minute of      

Film = 1440 still images     
Animation = 720 still imagesv     
Digital = 1800 - 3600 still images

Digital Video Resolution

Review Jpg images of your current best 3 logo sketches.

Translate your logos to Photoshop
- use the jpgs as a starting point
- The higher the resolution the better.

Work on Project


In class tues Mar 22nd

For today you should have a 3rd set of 12 ideas sketched out and two of your previous ideas reworked. 

Hartwick Brand Guidelines - a quick look

Logo Color Chart


 Introduction to Project 4 (Motion Graphics)

- Create a 30 Second Motion Graphic at 6 fps or higher using Photoshop

John Whitney


Work on Project 3.5 Logo

Due Thursday Mar 24th
* Your 3 logo ideas refined and digitized (put in photoshop) and saved as a jpg. We will review the ideas in class on thursday


In class thur Mar 17th

Details on the Cafe' logo from Addison and Stephanie.

Logos must be:
  1. In the original source file and as a high resolution .pdf with 300 dpi or higher; 
  2. Easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting (on a menu, for example, and on the café window or wall);
  3. Suitable for reproduction in both color and grayscale (see color options, below – any one or a combination of these colors will be acceptable; the use of Hartwick blue (PMS 541) is not required);
  4. Adaptable to electronic and print media.


  1. The full title – John Christopher’s Café – must appear prominently in the logo. Designs may also incorporate a nickname for the café, but a nickname-only design will not be eligible.
  2. Hand-drawn and computer-generated designs are eligible. If a sketch is chosen by the judges, College designers will work with the student designer to develop the concept into final art.
  3. Submissions cannot contain copyrighted material nor include images or licensed images that have been previously published. 
  4. Entries constitute an agreement that Hartwick College has unlimited rights to reproduce and distribute the winning logo in its promotion of John Christopher’s Café in particular and the College in general. 

Work on Project:

1) Get into groups and review your best logo ideas.

2) Show Joe your best logo ideas


In class Tuesday March 15th

Critique Projet 3 The Movie Posters


Logo inspiration:

Logo colors:

Logo work through Guide

Things to avoid:
- Watch out for Cliches'
"Light bulbs for 'ideas', speech bubbles for 'discussion', globes for 'international', etc. These ideas are easy to come up with but how is your design going to be unique when so many other logos feature the same idea?"

- Avoid Gimmicky Fonts
"When it comes to logo design, keep your font choices classic and simple and avoid over-garnishing"

- Don't make the logo too busy
"Keep it simple"

- Be inspired but don't steal ideas - logothief.com

In class:
Review your sketch ideas and narrow it down to solid 3 ideas.

Refine your Ideas


In class Thur Mar 10th

Project 3.5 - Final logo design due April 7th
Create a logo for the John Christopher Hartwick Cafe. Your logo should consider; the business (coffee shop), the school (Hartwick), the market demographic (you) while being simple, translatable into BxW and follows the guidelines set forth by our client.

Proj 3.5 Assignment 1 - Using pencil and paper sketch out 12 different ideas. Due Tue March 15th

Finish Project 3 - Final Print Due Tue Mar 15th

Finish Epic Critique of Proj 2


In class Tue March 8th

Logo Creation

12 general rules to consider

Some Basics 
1. The logo should reflect the company in a unique and honest way.
2. Avoid too much detail.
3. Your logo should work well in black and white (one-color printing). 
4. Make sure your logo's scalable. 
5. Your logo should be artistically balanced. 

Critique Part 2.5

Things to consider:
We are using the format of a CD cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?

Work on Project 3 - Ask Questions


In class Thur Mar 3rd

Critique Part 2

Things to consider:
We are using the format of a CD cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?

Work on Project 3 - Ask Questions


In class Tue Mar 1st

Printing in Photoshop
- Choose a Printer

- Print Settings
--- Paper Size
--- Layout and other Options
--- Making a PDF from the print menu

- Layout - Horizontal & Vertical

- Color Management - controls wether printer or photoshop handles color correction
--- Check out what happens when I check "Match Print Colors"

- Position and Size - resize and change the position of a design

- Printing Marks - registration and crop marks for layout and cutout
--- Unprintable Border

Critique Project 2

* before we start lets make a list of the music genre's you created Record Covers for.

Work on Project 3
-Tell me your story in 2 sentences. 
-Show me the Posters you chose as source material.