Conspiricy Theory Rocks
- Rule of thirds
- Golden Rule
- Rules of Design from Paul Rand the godfather of modern design
- Positive and Negative space
Photoshop Day 3
- History / Undo function
-- It is a new way to create!
- Magic Wand
- Single Row Marquee Tool
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Vector Tools
— Pen Tool
— Shape Tools
- The Clone Stamp & Healing Brush
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)
Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction
How to Create Project 3
1) Write out your Movie idea!
2) Look up and download 10 examples of posters that inspire you
3) Compile a list of important information that needs to be on the poster inculding: movie title, main actors/actresses, film company, producers, date, credits, ext… (use the 10 examples you downloaded as a guide)
4) Collect a variety of imagery to work with for your poster
4a) Make sure to find the largest images possible
5) Layout your poster 11x17” at 180dpi
6) Put in guides for the unprintable boarder
7) duplicate important layers
8) save often
Project 3 Assigned
* Lets take a look
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