
Final Exam

Class Final

Tuesday May 17th 4-7pm

Get help from 3:30-4pm!


In class Tue May 10th

When is the Final, Lets Talk......

Work on Project 

Hand in Projects

Print Projects

Whats Due When?
Project 1 - Day of the Final
Project 4 - Now!
Project 5 - May 12th end of class
Final Project - Day of Final


In class Thur May 5th

Work on Projects


In class Tue May 3rd

Project 6 Assigned

Making images for the web
- just steal it!
- looking up dimensions
- 72dpi but really its about pixels
- Flatten and use Save for Web to make a .jpg
- Upload it to your blog. The Banner will go in the "Header" of your Blog in the "Template" section.

The Background images can be changed under " "Customize" in the "Templates" area 

Making a Favicon

- Create an image 16 pixels X 16 pixel image in Photoshop

- Use Save for Web to create a .jpg

- Go to favicongenerator.com to translate it into a .ico file

- Upload your file onto your blog under "Layout" at the top. 

Putting Links on your Blog
- Under "Layout" select the area you want the links.
- Hit add Gadget and find the Link List. (notice there are a lot of things you can add to your blog) 
- add your link and the link name and save

3D Printing Starts today!

what to do to get your files printed.

1) Show Joe your model laid out in the Makerbot software
2) Pick a PLA color
3) Get on the color rotation list
4) Transfer your file to the appropriate printer
* Replicator 2 files need to be exported as .x3g and transferred to the SD card.
* Makerbot Mini files need to be saved as .thing files and transferd using a USB thumb drive to the computer in the fablab

Cookie cutter dimensions

back layer = 3mm tall

mid layer = 9mm tall

outside layer = 13mm tall

Work on Project


In class Thur Apr 28th

Chess Piece sizes

Rules for chess pieces to board size:   
The base diameter of the king should fall within a range of 68% to 75% of the square size.  For example, if you have a 2.25" board (each square is 2.25" x 2.25" or 57.1mm x 57.1mm) then the chess pieces you choose should have a king's base diameter of 2.25 x (0.68) to 2.25 x (0.75) which = 1.53" (38.9mm) to 1.687" (42.9mm) in diameter.

What we are working with:

Chessboard Square Tile - 40mm a side, this means no piece and be wider then 36mm

king - 75mm tall

queen - 70mm tall
bishop - 60mm tall

kinght - 50mm tall

rook - 45mm tall

pawn - 40mm tall

Special pieces - 55-65mm tall

Preparing your chess pieces for printing

1) open Makerware

2) Click on 'Prepare' and "Add File" to import your .STL's to the print bed

3) Use the 'Move' tool to separate the models from each other
* remember any models that are touching will be printed as a single piece

4) Use the 'Scale' too to resize the 3d models to the proper size
a- scale the piece to the proper hight and width. Set the model at the correct hight and adjust for the width if necessary.

5) Use 'Save to Library' to save your .Thing file to the desktop 

6) Change your 'Settings'
Resolution - Low(Faster)
Infill - 8%
# of Shells - 3
Layer Height - .30 mm

7) Export Print File
- Take a screen shot of the Export Info and keep it with your .x3g file. You will hand in both to me.

8) Show Joe your .Thing, .x3g & Export Info screen shot to be approved for printing and transfer to the SD card. Your files should be labeled with your first name and last initial ie.. joevs.thing

PLA Color Choices
- Red
- Black
- Purple
- Blue
- Gold
- Grey
- Brown
- Forest Green

Pick a color that you think will complement your design! 




In class April 21st

3d Printing in Museums

123D Design
Main Menu
- New 
- Open
- Save
- Import
- Export
- Exit




Common Chess

Bauhaus Chess Set

Project 5 Assigned
For this assignment you will be creating a set of chess pieces. You are responsible for creating one of each of the following pieces.

- King 
- Queen
- Bishop
- Knight
- Rook
- Pawn
- Special Piece

All your pieces should be sized correctly compared to each other and must fit on a chess board properly.

Chess board squares measure 57mm

Max Chess piece sizes are as follows:
Maximum Width = 36mm
Maximum Hight = 75mm

How to complete Project 5

1) Research various types of chess pieces
2) Create your Chess pieces (123D Design)
3) Layout your Chess pieces for printing (Makerware)
4) Print your chess pieces on the 3d printer

Work on Project


In class Tue Apr 19th

3d Design & 3d Printing

3d printing has been used by industry since the mid 1980's. It is used to print everything from food to human tissue to guns.

Our Makerbot Replicator 2 works through additive manufacturing. This is accomplished by laying down thin layers of plastic, one on top of the other, to build up a 3d structure.

Virtual models can be built in 3d software programs or captured with a 3d scanner or digital camera.


Thingiverse - free download 3d model library

Shapeways - Create and Sell 3d models

Premiere Pro (a video editor)

Creating a 'Resources' folder
- save this folder somewhere safe
- put all video, audio, and jpg files used in your project, in this folder
- never move the Resource Folder

Opening the Program
- Starting a New Project
-- Choose HD 720p

Whats Where
- 4 windows: Media browser, Media viewer, Timeline, Timeline viewer
- tools

Import your video files and audio
-- you can Drag and Drop onto the time line

Selecting & Moving a clip

Export the movie

Work on Projects


in class Thur Apr 14th

Assembling your Folders full of images into Video

Check out TimeLapse Assembler

- Use "Choose" to pick you Folder
- Codec should be "h.264"
- Save your movie at different Frame Rates 4,8,10 fps
- Dimensions should be set as seen above!
- Quality set to 'High'
- Hit "Encode" to save your movie with the current settings (save it to the desktop)

Premiere Pro (a video editor)

Creating a 'Resources' folder
- save this folder somewhere safe
- put all video, audio, and jpg files used in your project, in this folder
- never move the Resource Folder

Opening the Program
- Starting a New Project
-- Choose HD 720p

Whats Where
- 4 windows: Media browser, Media viewer, Timeline, Timeline viewer
- tools

Import your video files and audio
-- you can Drag and Drop onto the time line

Selecting & Moving a clip

Export the movie

Work on Projects


In class Tue April 12th

Due today: Folder full of content for your animation and a storyboard for your animation.

Project 3.5 due Thur 4/14 Create digital files saved as JPGs of your 2 logos using Photoshop. The fist should be a logo that satisfies the clients needs. The second should be one that is a better idea even though you did follow their conventions. Write a paragraph defending your choices for the second logo. Save them with your first and last name numbered 1 for the one they expect and 2 for the one you like. Hand in your files on your USB thumb drive. Email me your 1 paragraph, 5 sentence, statement.

I will be discussing each of your animation projects with you.

Work on project


In class Thur April 7th

Whats Due today!

Project 3.5 Digital files of your 2 logos using Photoshop. The fist should be a logo that satisfies the clients needs. The second should be one that is a better idea even though you did follow their conventions. (be ready to defend this choice with a written paragraph)

Project 4 Animation Project Idea 

Micro-Stopmotion Animation

Breaking down your idea into segments

* Shreck alternative scenes

Thinking about Cuts and Scenes
- Timing of a Cut
- Camera Angel, Movement and POV of cut

Creating your animation in Photoshop
- create a new document that is 1920x1080 at 72 dpi resolution
- get your backgrounds, foregrounds, characters, objects and text organized on different layer
- save your psd with a simple name. i.e.... joe-00.psd (this is the name that will automatically pop up when you use "Save for Web" while making your animation.
- create a folder on the desktop. this is where you will save the finished JPGs

Animating in Photoshop

- Move layers / change content
- Save for Web and Devices
- Number images yourname-001, yourname-002, ect..

* You can save different scenes from your animation in different folders if you want.

You should try working in 1920x1080 HD at 72dpi resolution first. If you can't find big enough images use the smaller HD, 1280x720 HD at 72dpi instead.

Finding legal content

- CCmixter
- Archive.org

*What is Creative Commons

- cc
- check out Flickr

Work on Project


In class Tue April 5th

The camera's lens is the eyes of the audience!

or "Birdman"

Camera Angles, Movement and POV

Camera Angle

Eye Level
  • An eye-level shot is the most basic type of shot and involves simply picking up a camera or video recorder and taking a straight-on, eye-level photograph. This technique is the most common shot used by photographers, seen in many casual pictures, such as family photos or vacation shots.
High Angle

  • A high-angle shot involves taking a photograph from someplace above a subject at a diagonal angle. This type of angle may make a subject look smaller or even childlike.
Low Angle (Worms Eye)

  • A low-angle shot is the opposite of the high-angle shot. In a low-angle shot, the photographer is below the subject and takes a photograph looking up at the subject. This angle is often used to make a subject appear larger, taller or more powerful.
Bird's Eye

  • This type of shot is similar to the high-angle shot in that the photographer is situated above the subject. However, unlike a high-angle shot, a bird's eye shot looks straight on at a subject rather than using an angle. This type of shot is used to achieve very dramatic images.

  • A slanted shot, or dutch tilt, is where the camera is tilted to the side to give the horizon a unique, angled appearance. This is a popular shot for movie stills and in magazines as it portrays a hip, edgy feeling in the photograph

Camera Point of View (POV)

  • A close-up (abbreviated "CU") is when the camera focuses on just one character's face or other part of him, taking up the entire frame. These shots are used often when a character is talking, because it puts the viewer in an almost face-to-face context. When the camera zooms directly into part of a person's face or body, so that the frame shows nothing but his body, this is an extreme close-up, or ECU. Going in the opposite direction, a medium close-up (MCU) is halfway between a standard CU and a mid-shot--which shows part of the scene and the subject.
Wide Shots
  • Wide Shots (WS) give a great view of the entire area your subject is standing in, and you can see the person's entire body against the backdrop of his setting. As the camera zooms out, making the person almost unrecognizable but giving a good view of the entire area, it becomes a VWS, or very wide shot. Finally, an extreme wide shot (EWS) takes the camera out so that you can't even see the subject, but gives the viewer a clear picture of where the viewer is supposed to be--these are generally used as establishing shots. VWS are generally taken from cranes, so they're sometimes called crane shots, and EWS can be taken from helicopters and called aerial shots.
Multiple People Shots.
  • Conversations between two people require a special camera angle to capture the intimacy of the conversations. A two shot (TS) is the most common way to show conversation: place both subjects in the same mid-shot. The next most familiar style is the over-the-shoulder shot, or OSS, which looks at the talking subject from the listener's perspective, quite literally over his shoulder. Some camera operators also set up the noddy shot, which is most common in interviews, and is taken from the perspective of the interviewee.
  • The first-person perspective is a useful way to put the audience almost directly in the character's shoes. The POV shot is pretty much what the character would see--as if she is actually holding the camera herself. POV, meaning point-of-view, shots are often used to heighten the intensity of a scenario.
Weather Shots
  • If the subject is the weather itself, it is referred to as a weather shot. These images give the viewer a moment's reprieve from the action or drama of the film as well as establishing what's going on in the world around them. If the weather is wet and rainy, that will affect the mood of the film overall; a bright, shiny day on the other hand lightens the mood.

Camera Movement

1. Pans
  • A movement which scans a scene horizontally. The camera is placed on a tripod, which operates as a stationary axis point as the camera is turned, often to follow a moving object which is kept in the middle of the frame.
2. Tilts
  • A movement which scans a scene vertically, otherwise similar to a pan.
3. Dolly Shots
  • Sometimes called TRUCKING or TRACKING shots. The camera is placed on a moving vehicle and moves alongside the action, generally following a moving figure or object. Complicated dolly shots will involve a track being laid on set for the camera to follow, hence the name. The camera might be mounted on a car, a plane, or even a shopping trolley (good method for independent film-makers looking to save a few dollars). A dolly shot may be a good way of portraying movement, the journey of a character for instance, or for moving from a long shot to a close-up, gradually focusing the audience on a particular object or character.
4. Hand-held shots
  • The hand-held movie camera first saw widespread use during World War II, when news reporters took their windup Arriflexes and Eyemos into the heat of battle, producing some of the most arresting footage of the twentieth century. After the war, it took a while for commercially produced movies to catch up, and documentary makers led the way, demanding the production of smaller, lighter cameras that could be moved in and out of a scene with speed, producing a "fly-on-the-wall" effect.This aesthetic took a while to catch on with mainstream Hollywood, as it gives a jerky, ragged effect, totally at odds with the organized smoothness of a dolly shot. The Steadicam (a heavy contraption which is attached a camera to an operator by a harness. The camera is stabilized so it moves independently) was debuted in Marathon Man (1976), bringing a new smoothness to hand held camera movement and has been used to great effect in movies and TV shows ever since. No "walk and talk" sequence would be complete without one. Hand held cameras denote a certain kind of gritty realism, and they can make the audience feel as though they are part of a scene, rather than viewing it from a detached, frozen position.
5. Crane Shots
  • Basically, dolly-shots-in-the-air. A crane (or jib), is a large, heavy piece of equipment, but is a useful way of moving a camera - it can move up, down, left, right, swooping in on action or moving diagonally out of it. The camera operator and camera are counter-balanced by a heavy weight, and trust their safety to a skilled crane/jib operator.
6. Zoom Lenses
  • A zoom lens contains a mechanism that changes the magnification of an image. On a still camera, this means that the photographer can get a 'close up' shot while still being some distance from the subject. A video zoom lens can change the position of the audience, either very quickly (a smash zoom) or slowly, without moving the camera an inch, thus saving a lot of time and trouble. The drawbacks to zoom use include the fact that while a dolly shot involves a steady movement similar to the focusing change in the human eye, the zoom lens tends to be jerky (unless used very slowly) and to distort an image, making objects appear closer together than they really are. Zoom lenses are also drastically over-used by many directors (including those holding palmcorders), who try to give the impression of movement and excitement in a scene where it does not exist. Use with caution - and a tripod!
7. The Aerial Shot
  • An exciting variation of a crane shot, usually taken from a helicopter. This is often used at the beginning of a film, in order to establish setting and movement. A helicopter is like a particularly flexible sort of crane - it can go anywhere, keep up with anything, move in and out of a scene, and convey real drama and exhilaration — so long as you don't need to get too close to your actors or use location sound with the shots.

Making an animation in Photoshop
- Move layers / change content
- Save for Web and Devices
- Number images yourname-001, yourname-002, ect..

* You can save different scenes from your animation in different folders if you want.

Mapping out your Motion Graphic Sequence

- How many changes do you want to have in the sequence?
- What direction is the content moving in each part? How does it relate to the parts before and after?
- How long is each part?
- What content do you need to collect for each part?
- What is the purpose of each part? (what do you want your viewer to get out of it?)

Work on Project 3.5 & 4

Project 3.5 due Thur 4/7 - Create digital files of your 2 logos using Photoshop. The fist should be a logo that satisfies the clients needs. The second should be one that is a better idea even though you did follow their conventions. (be ready to defend this choice with a written paragraph)

Project 4 Due Dates
Project Idea Thur 4/7
Content folder and Storyboard Tue 4/12
Folder full of images due Tue 4/19

Final Video due Thur 4/21


In Class Thursday March 24th

Film & Stop motion Animation = sequence images through time.

- FPS (frames per second) or frame rate is the number of images that are shown in a seconds worth of time.

Traditional film = 24 FPS

Traditional animation = 12 FPS
Digital film = 30 - 60 FPS
Modern animation = 12 - 30 FPS

Which means 1 minute of      

Film = 1440 still images     
Animation = 720 still imagesv     
Digital = 1800 - 3600 still images

Digital Video Resolution

Review Jpg images of your current best 3 logo sketches.

Translate your logos to Photoshop
- use the jpgs as a starting point
- The higher the resolution the better.

Work on Project


In class tues Mar 22nd

For today you should have a 3rd set of 12 ideas sketched out and two of your previous ideas reworked. 

Hartwick Brand Guidelines - a quick look

Logo Color Chart


 Introduction to Project 4 (Motion Graphics)

- Create a 30 Second Motion Graphic at 6 fps or higher using Photoshop

John Whitney


Work on Project 3.5 Logo

Due Thursday Mar 24th
* Your 3 logo ideas refined and digitized (put in photoshop) and saved as a jpg. We will review the ideas in class on thursday


In class thur Mar 17th

Details on the Cafe' logo from Addison and Stephanie.

Logos must be:
  1. In the original source file and as a high resolution .pdf with 300 dpi or higher; 
  2. Easily reproducible and scalable for large and small formatting (on a menu, for example, and on the café window or wall);
  3. Suitable for reproduction in both color and grayscale (see color options, below – any one or a combination of these colors will be acceptable; the use of Hartwick blue (PMS 541) is not required);
  4. Adaptable to electronic and print media.


  1. The full title – John Christopher’s Café – must appear prominently in the logo. Designs may also incorporate a nickname for the café, but a nickname-only design will not be eligible.
  2. Hand-drawn and computer-generated designs are eligible. If a sketch is chosen by the judges, College designers will work with the student designer to develop the concept into final art.
  3. Submissions cannot contain copyrighted material nor include images or licensed images that have been previously published. 
  4. Entries constitute an agreement that Hartwick College has unlimited rights to reproduce and distribute the winning logo in its promotion of John Christopher’s Café in particular and the College in general. 

Work on Project:

1) Get into groups and review your best logo ideas.

2) Show Joe your best logo ideas


In class Tuesday March 15th

Critique Projet 3 The Movie Posters


Logo inspiration:

Logo colors:

Logo work through Guide

Things to avoid:
- Watch out for Cliches'
"Light bulbs for 'ideas', speech bubbles for 'discussion', globes for 'international', etc. These ideas are easy to come up with but how is your design going to be unique when so many other logos feature the same idea?"

- Avoid Gimmicky Fonts
"When it comes to logo design, keep your font choices classic and simple and avoid over-garnishing"

- Don't make the logo too busy
"Keep it simple"

- Be inspired but don't steal ideas - logothief.com

In class:
Review your sketch ideas and narrow it down to solid 3 ideas.

Refine your Ideas


In class Thur Mar 10th

Project 3.5 - Final logo design due April 7th
Create a logo for the John Christopher Hartwick Cafe. Your logo should consider; the business (coffee shop), the school (Hartwick), the market demographic (you) while being simple, translatable into BxW and follows the guidelines set forth by our client.

Proj 3.5 Assignment 1 - Using pencil and paper sketch out 12 different ideas. Due Tue March 15th

Finish Project 3 - Final Print Due Tue Mar 15th

Finish Epic Critique of Proj 2


In class Tue March 8th

Logo Creation

12 general rules to consider

Some Basics 
1. The logo should reflect the company in a unique and honest way.
2. Avoid too much detail.
3. Your logo should work well in black and white (one-color printing). 
4. Make sure your logo's scalable. 
5. Your logo should be artistically balanced. 

Critique Part 2.5

Things to consider:
We are using the format of a CD cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?

Work on Project 3 - Ask Questions


In class Thur Mar 3rd

Critique Part 2

Things to consider:
We are using the format of a CD cover so our viewer is already aware that the image has something to do with music and the music industry.

What we are looking at:
- Color
- Composition (placement of visual elements in 2d space...positive & negative space, rule of thirds)
- Image - subject matter
- Image - style
- Font - literal reading
- Font - style

Each of these elements becomes a "signifier" to the viewer. Which means from these visual elements we will try to make sense of the image. In this case what genre of music might this CD contain?

Work on Project 3 - Ask Questions


In class Tue Mar 1st

Printing in Photoshop
- Choose a Printer

- Print Settings
--- Paper Size
--- Layout and other Options
--- Making a PDF from the print menu

- Layout - Horizontal & Vertical

- Color Management - controls wether printer or photoshop handles color correction
--- Check out what happens when I check "Match Print Colors"

- Position and Size - resize and change the position of a design

- Printing Marks - registration and crop marks for layout and cutout
--- Unprintable Border

Critique Project 2

* before we start lets make a list of the music genre's you created Record Covers for.

Work on Project 3
-Tell me your story in 2 sentences. 
-Show me the Posters you chose as source material.


In class Thur Feb 25th

Conspiricy Theory Rocks


- Rule of thirds

- Golden Rule

- Rules of Design from Paul Rand the godfather of modern design

- Positive and Negative space

Photoshop Day 3

- History / Undo function
-- It is a new way to create!

- Magic Wand
Single Row Marquee Tool

- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser

Vector Tools
— Pen Tool
— Shape Tools

- The Clone Stamp & Healing Brush
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)

Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction


How to Create Project 3
1) Write out your Movie idea!
2) Look up and download 10 examples of posters that inspire you
3) Compile a list of important information that needs to be on the poster inculding: movie title, main actors/actresses, film company, producers, date, credits, ext… (use the 10 examples you downloaded as a guide)
4) Collect a variety of imagery to work with for your poster
4a) Make sure to find the largest images possible
5) Layout your poster 11x17” at 180dpi
6) Put in guides for the unprintable boarder
7) duplicate important layers
8) save often

Project 3 Assigned
* Lets take a look

Work on Projects


In class Tue Feb 23rd

Looking at Logos

Photoshop Day 3

- History / Undo function
-- It is a new way to create!

- Magic Wand
Single Row Marquee Tool

- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser

Vector Tools
— Pen Tool
— Shape Tools

- The Clone Stamp & Healing Brush
-- These are 2 part tools. Hold down 'Option' while clicking on the area you wish to copy. Move to where you want to place the cloned visual data and click and hold to draw.
-- Blend Mode / Opacity
-- Air Brush / Flow
-- Aligned
-- Sample (Layer)

Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction


Work on Poject