Hand in Project 2
What you need to do:
- have your 3 individual images saved as JPEG's and PSD's
- consolidate your 3 images onto one image and saved as a JPEG
- all of your files should be labeled with your First name, Last name and a number ie. JoeVonStengel-1.jpg
- save your JPEG images on your thumbdrive to hand in to me
Review Project 3
How to successfully accomplish Project 3!
1) find images that are at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side
2) look for images that have people/things in similar positions
3) look for images with a light source that comes from the same side.
4) look for images that are similar in tone
5) duplicate important layers when necessary
6) save often
* Be considerate of who the celebrities are that you are choosing. What is their new identity when they are "mashed up".
Advanced Photoshop
Photoshop top options bar
- Bridge
- View Extras
- Zoom Percent
- Quick Hand Tool
- Quick Zoom Tool
- Rotate View Tool
- Arrange Documents
- Zoom Tool
Color Picker
- Switch Colors
Quick Mask
- single click - paint what you want to select/mask
-- Black draws / White erases
- double click - Quick Mask Options