
In class Mon Oct 1st

Hand in Project 2

What you need to do:
- have your 3 individual images saved as JPEG's and PSD's
- consolidate your 3 images onto one image and saved as a JPEG
- all of your files should be labeled with your First name, Last name and a number ie. JoeVonStengel-1.jpg
- save your JPEG images on your thumbdrive to hand in to me

Review Project 3

How to successfully accomplish Project 3!

1) find images that are at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side
2) look for images that have people/things in similar positions
3) look for images with a light source that comes from the same side.
4) look for images that are similar in tone
5) duplicate important layers when necessary
6) save often

* Be considerate of who the celebrities are that you are choosing. What is their new identity when they are "mashed up".

Advanced Photoshop

Photoshop top options bar
- Bridge
- View Extras
- Zoom Percent
- Quick Hand Tool
- Quick Zoom Tool
- Rotate View Tool
- Arrange Documents
- Zoom Tool

Color Picker
- Switch Colors

Quick Mask
- single click - paint what you want to select/mask
-- Black draws / White erases
- double click - Quick Mask Options


In class Wed Sept 26th


Vector Tools
- Shape Tool
- Type Tool

Looking at Project 3

Tips for Accomplishing Project 3
1) find images that are at least 1200 pixels on the shortest side
2) look for images that have people/things in similar positions
3) look for images with a light source that comes from the same side.
4) look for images that are similar in tone
5) duplicate important layers when necessary
6) save often

* Be considerate of who the celebrities are that you are choosing. What is their new identity when they are "mashed up".

Work on Project 2

Project 2 is due at the beginning of class next Monday!


In class Mon Sept 24th

Photoshop Advanced

- Preferences
- History / Undo function

- Crop

- Advanced Selection tools
-- 'Feathering' a selection
-- Adding to (shift) and Subtracting from (option) a Selection

- 'Select' options in the Menu Bar
-- Select All (command + A)
-- Deselect (command + d)
-- Inverse (shift + command + I)
-- 'Transforming' a selection
-- Load & Save a Selection
- Resize
- Linking layers
- Merge layers
- Flatten Image

Image Adjustments
- Color Adjustments
-- Histogram
-- Levels
- Color Correction
- Color Space

RGB = Red Green Blue
CMYK = Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

Work on Project Due next Monday at the beginning of class!


In class Wed Sept 19th

Image Qualities & Aesthetics connected to changes in technology

- where is it
- what is it

- Uploading
- Sets
- Groups

CD Covers Assignment 1

Photoshop Advanced Tools
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge

- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge

- selection tools

- Layers

- clone stamp / pattern stamp

- healing brush / patch tool

Work on Project 2


Flash Drive Test!


- where is it
- what is it

- Uploading
- Sets
- Groups

Project 2 Assigned

Photoshop Basics

- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New
- Pencil/Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge

Selection Tools (lets check them out)

Take a half hour to finish the CD assignment.
Save your files as Jpgs with a quality of 9
Label your files as follows: your first name last name - #.jpg - ie.. JoeVonstengel-1.jpg
Hand your 4 files in on your USB thumbdrive.

Review the assignment!

Work on Project


In class Wed Sept2th

*Flash Drive Test on Monday!

Example: Worth 1000

Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New

* File Types

- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever

-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file

in class Assignment: Dada CD cover

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to "Random quotations"
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.

5 - Create 5 different Album Covers

6- Hand them in to Joe

Work on Assignment


In class Mon Sept 10th

Introduction to the class Teaching Assistant.


Bring your Laptop to class!
- Bookmark the class website and show me before you leave class today.

Brief History of the World Wide Web

Web 1.0
- Static website, requires software and/or HTML knowledge to make changes to the site.

Web 2.0
- Social web, frequently updated content by the end user.

Web 3.0
- Semantic web, interconnected websites sharing information and knowledge as well as being easily updated by the end user.

How to use a Mac

Turning on the Mac
- Login
- Restart
- Shutdown

The Finder (navigating the Mac)
- The Desktop
- Main Hard Drive
- Applications
- the Dock

- Creating a New Folder

- Deleting Files & Folders
-- Emptying the Trash

- Cut/Copy/Past
- Network Drive - lab-drive.local

USB Thumbdrives
- Where to plug it in
- Ejecting your drive

Web Browsers on the Mac
- Chrome
- Safari

 Project 1 Assigned 

- How to hook up and use a blog.

* if you took the digital is fundamental class, you can use the same blog, Flickr & Youtube accounts you created in that class for this class. 

A blog is many things, a personal website, an archive of media, the ability to broadcast a message to a greater audience, even an art piece in itself. 

Instead of Blogger, we are going to use Tumblr.

Tumblr is a blogging website that has all the advantages of a social media website. It will also give us a different network to distribute on as Blogger and Youtube are owned by Google.

Making a blog.
1- (if you already have a Tumblr account, skip to #2) Go to the Tumblr website and create an account. You will need a an email account for this. Write your name and password down in your phone / on a piece of paper.

2- After you have account, click the create a blog button.  

3- You will be asked for a Title, URL. Skip the "privacy" button and password

4- Make 3 post. A "text" post, a "photo" post and a "video" post. 

5- Email your blogs URL to vonstengelj@hartwick.edu so I can follow you. 

Show Emile or Joe your 3 post before you leave.