
In class Wed Apr 28th

The Web

'Structures of Experience'

- The structure of the experience on the web is created through linking.
- How and What you link too, in What order changes the viewers experience.

Assembling your pages, Slicing and your sites structure
- Open up a new document in Photoshop, 72dpi sized 960x620 pxls or smaller
- Save the doc with, 'Save As'
- Open your images and bring them into your new document
- Layout and Design your Images
- Slice your image
- 'Save for web' your doc, include both images and HTML



In class Mon Apr 26th

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
-- these 'pixels' are related to the actual amount of pixels there are across & down a screen
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620 pixels

Creating web pages using Photoshop
- First go in to 'Preferences' and change the units from 'inches' to 'pixels'

- The first page of all websites is call 'index'
* It is important to make sure 'index' is in lowercase because web servers are case sensitive.

- Go to: file --> new
-- name the document 'index'
-- make sure the 'Resolution' is set to 72dpi
-- choose a page size no bigger then 960x620 pxls
-- 'Color Mode' = RGB
- Save your file
- Drag & Drop images from one of your folders into Photoshop

* This is your work space. Collage, blend, cut out & interact. Make sense or chaos out of the images you found on the internet. DO NOT USE TEXT!

- Save your file

- Slice up your file
* Slices have many advantages like a faster and more dynamic load time
* You can make links from slices in Dreamweaver!

- Save for Web (and Devices)

Web File Types
JPG - RGB - Photorealistic, small file sizes
GIF - Index Color - limited to 256 color, can be animated, can have transparency
PNG - is the best of both worlds but currently PNG files can only be used in Flash


In class Wed Apr 21st

Introduction to the web

Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter

Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet



In class Mon Apr 19th

Critique of Project 4

Introduction to the Web

Introduction to the Internet




Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web

--- Flash
--- HTML
-- Web 2.0
'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel (video)
--- Podcasting, Pandora, Musicovery, Amie Street (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Digg, Stumble, Technorati, PopUrls (Aggregators)

How Does the web work?

Net Neutrality




Project 5 Assigned

Review Stopmotion Animation Films (Project 4)



In class Wed Apr 14th

What you need to do in iMovie to complete your animation.

1- import your clip(s)
2- put on your titles
2a- put the name of your video at the beginning
2b- put "Hartwick College", "Art213 Spring 2010", your name and any special credits
3- edit and add transitions as needed
4- add sound

5- export your video (Ask JOe about the specific settings)

Work on your video

Project 4 due at the end of class


In class Mon Apr 12th



Bring your folder full of images to class.

iMovie The BAsics
- Opening & Saving
- Importing Video
- Editing Video
- Audio

Work on Project 4!


In class Wed Apr 7th

Open Hours Digital Lab

Mon 12:30 - 1:30pm - Donna
Mon 5 - 7pm - Donna

Tue 12:45 - 4:30pm - Danielle
Tue 4:45 - 6:45pm - Bri

Wed 8:30 - 10:30am - Donna
Wed 12:15 - 1:45pm - Bri
Wed 5 - 8:15pm - Carly

Thur 12:45 - 4:30pm - Danielle
Thur 4:45 - 6:45pm - Bri

Fri 9 - 11am - Donna


Work on Project 4!

You need to hand in a folder full of images by the end of class!


In class Mon Apr 5th

Check Out Video Below

Review Your Ideas

Work On Project!