Class Final
Wed Dec 16th 12-3pm in the Digital Lab (your Presence is required)
Hours I will be at the lab to Help Students
Thursday 12-1:30pm
Friday 11-1pm
Monday 11-1pm
You need to have all your web files up online by the beginning of the Class Final
In Class Mon Dec 7th
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
I will give individual help in class.
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
Work on web project!
I will give individual help in class.
In Class Wed Dec 2nd
Introduction to Dreamweaver
-Whats Where
the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in Caps.
ex. - JOEVONSTENGEL as my folder name
- Open Dreamweaver
- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it
- Open your HTML files from Image in Dreamweaver one at a Time
- Change your 'Background Color'
- Change your 'Title'
- 'Center' your image
- Make your 'Links'
- Save your page in your folder with your name.
-Whats Where
the Order of Dreamweaver
- Make a folder on your desktop with your name all in Caps.
ex. - JOEVONSTENGEL as my folder name
- Open Dreamweaver
- Make a new site and hook up the folder with your name to it
- Open your HTML files from Image in Dreamweaver one at a Time
- Change your 'Background Color'
- Change your 'Title'
- 'Center' your image
- Make your 'Links'
- Save your page in your folder with your name.
In class Mon Nov 30th
Introduction to the web 2
The order of Image Ready
1- Layout your Page
2- Optimize
3- Slice
4- Roll Overs
5- Save Optimized As in your web folder on your desktop (you need to create this folder)
* things to keep in mind Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter
The order of Image Ready
1- Layout your Page
2- Optimize
3- Slice
4- Roll Overs
5- Save Optimized As in your web folder on your desktop (you need to create this folder)
* things to keep in mind Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter
In Class Mon Nov 23rd
Introduction to the web
Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter
Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet
Image Ready
Whats Where:
- Tool Bar
- Options Window
- Layers
- Optimize
The order of Image Ready
1- Layout your Page
2- Optimize
3- Slice
4- Roll Overs
5- Save Optimized As in your web folder on your desktop (you need to create this folder)
Web page sizes
- the web is measured in Pixels
- the 'Resolution' of images on the web is 72dpi
- the Average MAX size of your web pages should be smaller then 960x620
--- check out popular screen resolutions on Sitemeter
Internet Lingo
the language of the Internet
Image Ready
Whats Where:
- Tool Bar
- Options Window
- Layers
- Optimize
The order of Image Ready
1- Layout your Page
2- Optimize
3- Slice
4- Roll Overs
5- Save Optimized As in your web folder on your desktop (you need to create this folder)
In Class Wed Nov 18th
Introduction to the Internet
Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web
--- Flash
--- HTML
-- Web 2.0
'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel (video)
--- Podcasting, Pandora, Musicovery, Amie Street (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Digg, Stumble, Technorati, PopUrls (Aggregators)
How Does the web work?
Net Neutrality
Project 5 Assigned
Review Stopmotion Animation Films (Project 4)
Internet (Framework for Interconnections)
- Peer to Peer
- Ftp
- Instant Messaging
- Emil
- Online Gaming
- World Wide Web
--- Flash
--- HTML
-- Web 2.0
'interpersonal computing', 'web services' and 'software as a service' (SaaS) as the the three key aspects of Web 2.0. they appear on the web as:
--- Blogs (Personal Broadcasting)
--- Flickr, Picasa, Photobucket (Image Storage & Presentation)
--- Picknik, Sumopaint, PicJuice (Image editing)
--- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel (video)
--- Podcasting, Pandora, Musicovery, Amie Street (music/audio)
--- Internet Archive, CCMixter (Creative Commons Licensed Media Content)
--- Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Linkedin, Twitter (Social Networking)
--- Delicious (links)
--- Bloglines (RSS Feeds)
--- Digg, Stumble, Technorati, PopUrls (Aggregators)
How Does the web work?
Net Neutrality
Project 5 Assigned
Review Stopmotion Animation Films (Project 4)
In Class Wed Nov 11th
Have your images saved in a folder (folders0 reday for the beginning of class today)
Framed (or Quicktime Pro)
- Open Framed
- Name your file
- Choose your size
- Choose your frame rate
- 'Make Movie'
- If you like it, 'Save Movie'
- Clip View / Timeline
- Importing Video
Editing Video
Work on Project
Framed (or Quicktime Pro)
- Open Framed
- Name your file
- Choose your size
- Choose your frame rate
- 'Make Movie'
- If you like it, 'Save Movie'
- Clip View / Timeline
- Importing Video
Editing Video
Work on Project
In Class wed Oct 21th
Time Based Media
Aspects of Time:
Beginning & End
- except for the loop
Takes up some amount of measurable time
Mathematical calculation
FPS = Frames Per Second
Movie Film = 24 fps
DVD = 30 fps
Traditional Animation = 12 fps
Aspects of Time:
Beginning & End
- except for the loop
Takes up some amount of measurable time
Mathematical calculation
FPS = Frames Per Second
Movie Film = 24 fps
DVD = 30 fps
Traditional Animation = 12 fps
In Class Mon Oct 18th
Hand in Project 3 on your thumb drive
Vector Tools
- Type Tool
- Shape Tool
--- Page Setup
--- Print with Preview
Project 4 Assigned
Vector Tools
- Type Tool
- Shape Tool
--- Page Setup
--- Print with Preview
Project 4 Assigned
In Class Mon Oct 5th
Hand in Project 2 on your thumbdrive.
Photoshop Advanced Tools
- Adjustments
Project 3 Assigned
Work on Project
Open Lab Hours
these are the times the Digital Art Lab will be open:
Mon 5-8:30pm
Tue 2:45-5:15pm & Tue 6-8:30pm
Wed 12:30-2pm & Wed 5:30-8:30pm
Thur 2:45-6:45pm
Fri 12:30-4:30pm
Sat 11am-2pm
if these hours do not work for you, you may want to consider signing up to be a lab monitor!
let me know if your interested.
Mon 5-8:30pm
Tue 2:45-5:15pm & Tue 6-8:30pm
Wed 12:30-2pm & Wed 5:30-8:30pm
Thur 2:45-6:45pm
Fri 12:30-4:30pm
Sat 11am-2pm
if these hours do not work for you, you may want to consider signing up to be a lab monitor!
let me know if your interested.
In Class Wed Sept 30th
Photoshop Advanced tools.
- clone stamp / pattern stamp
- healing brush / patch tool
Work on Project 3
Due Wed Oct 7th at the beginning of class
- clone stamp / pattern stamp
- healing brush / patch tool
Work on Project 3
Due Wed Oct 7th at the beginning of class
In Class mon Sept 28th
Project 2 Assigned
Photoshop Basics 2
- Pencil/Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
Selection Tools (lets check them out)
work on Project
Project 2 Assigned
Photoshop Basics 2
- Pencil/Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
Selection Tools (lets check them out)
work on Project
In Class Wed Sept 23rd
Photoshop Basics 1
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
- make an account
- upload your images (make sure they are 'Flattened", Jpegs)
email me your images (
named jvonstengel_cd1.jpg, jvonstengel_cd2.jpg
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
- make an account
- upload your images (make sure they are 'Flattened", Jpegs)
email me your images (
named jvonstengel_cd1.jpg, jvonstengel_cd2.jpg
In class mon Sept 21st
*Flash Drive Test! (bring your flash drive to class with you today!)
Example: Worth 1000
Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New
* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever
-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
in class Assignment: Dada CD cover
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.
5 - Email it to Joe (image size 1200x1200 or smaller at 72 dpi)

Work on Assignment
Example: Worth 1000
Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
- File --> New
* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep forever
-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
in class Assignment: Dada CD cover
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.
5 - Email it to Joe (image size 1200x1200 or smaller at 72 dpi)

Work on Assignment

The Wine Cellar
The Stamp Collectors
The Gambler Nun and Radio
Von Stengel - Mashup Video Projection Artist
The Stamp Collectors
The Gambler Nun and Radio
Von Stengel - Mashup Video Projection Artist
$7 SAT SEPT 19 8-12PM
Historic Oneonta Theater 17 Chestnut St.
Proceeds go to Oneonta theater restoration and Oneonta Teen Center
More Info 4332009 Ian Teen Center* 4314894 or Kate Hartwick College and SOC 211, FYS SOC 155
15thIn class wed Sept
Talk with visiting artist Duane McDiarmid
Artist Duane McDiarmid will bring to Hartwick College and the Foreman Institute The Trickster Project and with the asistence of a student and public crew assemble and install the Trickster object an autonomous solar powered platform that runs a freezer, array of camera's, and computer interface in our exhibition gallery. Over a series of workshops McDiarmid will lead students and others through the creation of new content of their own authorship based on the questions and narratives the Trickster project provokes--namely our relationship to technology and its application in
culture--the ends sought, the beliefs associated with, and the resulting outcomes. Students will via creative writing, digital image manipulation, and production of documentary drawings and video author an wide array of scenarios and editorial opinions concerning a high value technologically advanced quasi robotic vehicle that roams the desert southwest with the purpose of providing ice cream to at happenstance meeting points in remote deserts of the U.S. southwest. Workshop produced work will be added to the projects on-board archive and the physical exhibition housed Hartswick's Gallery.
Central to the project is the opportunity for participants to gain increased understanding of the use of information culture, the production of physical sculptures and technology configurations, and the development of fictional
scenarios concurrent with didactic revelations as a form of live performance art. Further these strategies of artistic endeavor will be examined in the context of relational aesthetics wherein the social interactions prompted by
a work of art rather then its own physical form is the primary contributor to the artworks cultural value.
See supplemental sheet attached or web sites to learn more about the trickster project and other works by the projects artist initiator.
did you pay the Lab Fee $100
Lets talk about the Mac
the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is
File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
What questions do you have for me?
Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash
do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program
to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash
Semester Project 1 Assigned
work on Project
Artist Duane McDiarmid will bring to Hartwick College and the Foreman Institute The Trickster Project and with the asistence of a student and public crew assemble and install the Trickster object an autonomous solar powered platform that runs a freezer, array of camera's, and computer interface in our exhibition gallery. Over a series of workshops McDiarmid will lead students and others through the creation of new content of their own authorship based on the questions and narratives the Trickster project provokes--namely our relationship to technology and its application in
culture--the ends sought, the beliefs associated with, and the resulting outcomes. Students will via creative writing, digital image manipulation, and production of documentary drawings and video author an wide array of scenarios and editorial opinions concerning a high value technologically advanced quasi robotic vehicle that roams the desert southwest with the purpose of providing ice cream to at happenstance meeting points in remote deserts of the U.S. southwest. Workshop produced work will be added to the projects on-board archive and the physical exhibition housed Hartswick's Gallery.
Central to the project is the opportunity for participants to gain increased understanding of the use of information culture, the production of physical sculptures and technology configurations, and the development of fictional
scenarios concurrent with didactic revelations as a form of live performance art. Further these strategies of artistic endeavor will be examined in the context of relational aesthetics wherein the social interactions prompted by
a work of art rather then its own physical form is the primary contributor to the artworks cultural value.
See supplemental sheet attached or web sites to learn more about the trickster project and other works by the projects artist initiator.
did you pay the Lab Fee $100
Lets talk about the Mac
the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is
File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
What questions do you have for me?
Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash
do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program
to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash
Semester Project 1 Assigned
work on Project
In Class mon Sept 14th
Lab Fee $100
Lets talk about the Mac
the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is
File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
What questions do you have for me?
Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash
do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program
to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash
Web 2.0
What is web 2.0?

Popular Web 2.0 Applications
- Flickr, Picasa
- Blogger, TypePad, WordPress
- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel
- Picnik, Sumo Paint
- Facebook, Myspace
*remember to ALWAYS log out of your Web 2.0 accounts when you are done!
Semester Project 1 Assigned
work on Project
First Day Welcome!
Hello and Welcome to the Art213 Intro to Digital Media blog. This blog contains up-to-date information on the class, assignments & projects. There are also important links from this blog to other class resources. This blog is the hub of the class don't forget to check if frequently. I usually updated the blog within 24 hours of class.
Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.
The Intro to digital media class is an overview of Print based media, Time based media and Interactive Media. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe Creative Suite 4 which includes Photosop, ImageReady, Final Cut Express, & Dreamweaver as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications(YouTube, Flickr, Picnik & Blogs).
We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter perception. We will also look to create a definition for 'Digital Art' as a new medium within the art world.
* This class has a $100 Lab fee & you will need a 1 GB thumbdrive.
Awareness Test
Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.
The Intro to digital media class is an overview of Print based media, Time based media and Interactive Media. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe Creative Suite 4 which includes Photosop, ImageReady, Final Cut Express, & Dreamweaver as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications(YouTube, Flickr, Picnik & Blogs).
We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter perception. We will also look to create a definition for 'Digital Art' as a new medium within the art world.
* This class has a $100 Lab fee & you will need a 1 GB thumbdrive.
Awareness Test
In class wed May 13th
Work on Project
Hand in your web folder and make sure your site is functioning before you leave today!
Work on Project
Hand in your web folder and make sure your site is functioning before you leave today!
In class mon May 11th
Web Space, your own .COM and other such internet stuff
you can get a URL from Namesecure
- the URL grabber
Web Space
- from your ISP
- free space
- paid space
* Go Daddy
* RitechHosting
- youtube, flickr & such
- uploading your web folder
you can get a URL from Namesecure
- the URL grabber
Web Space
- from your ISP
- free space
- paid space
* Go Daddy
* RitechHosting
- youtube, flickr & such
- uploading your web folder
In class mon May 4th
* dreamweaver is for editing and manipulating HTML.
* Imageready creates an HTML file when you use the 'Save Optimized As' command
First we need to create a site folder!
- follow me for step by step instructions
Setting up the document
--> Modify --> Page Properties
- Set up font size, color and style as well as text link attributes
Type on your "Title"
Aline your visuals on the screen
Create Links to other pages
- links to pages off your site need to start with 'http://'.
* ie.......
- links to pages on your site are arranged in folder hierarchy
* ie........ mineself/index.html
- remember to choose 'blank' or 'self' as a Traget
* dreamweaver is for editing and manipulating HTML.
* Imageready creates an HTML file when you use the 'Save Optimized As' command
First we need to create a site folder!
- follow me for step by step instructions
Setting up the document
--> Modify --> Page Properties
- Set up font size, color and style as well as text link attributes
Type on your "Title"
Aline your visuals on the screen
Create Links to other pages
- links to pages off your site need to start with 'http://'.
* ie.......
- links to pages on your site are arranged in folder hierarchy
* ie........ mineself/index.html
- remember to choose 'blank' or 'self' as a Traget
In class wed Apr 29th
Lets look at a web folder
How does a website look?
What makes it a website?
lets take a look
How does a website look?
What makes it a website?
lets take a look
In class mon Apr 27th
How does your structure for your website look?
[draw it]
Work on Project!
Ask Questions
[draw it]
Work on Project!
Ask Questions
In class tue Apr 22nd
ImageReady Again
Set up your website:
- general sizing should be 900 pixels wide by 620 pixels tall
- 2 up view
- Jepgs vs Gifs
--- Jpeg = Photographic quality & Small image sizes
--- Gif = Animations & Transparency
- you can only control slices you have cut out yourself
- check out the roll-over window
- there are different different roll-over states
- check out your site in a Browser
Save for Web
- put your files in a Folder
- keep your file names short
Work on Project
Set up your website:
- general sizing should be 900 pixels wide by 620 pixels tall
- 2 up view
- Jepgs vs Gifs
--- Jpeg = Photographic quality & Small image sizes
--- Gif = Animations & Transparency
- you can only control slices you have cut out yourself
- check out the roll-over window
- there are different different roll-over states
- check out your site in a Browser
Save for Web
- put your files in a Folder
- keep your file names short
Work on Project
In class mon Apr 20th
Talkin' 'bout the great interweb!
hows it work?
* Physical
* Software
* Language
Set up your website:
- general sizing should be 900 pixels wide by 620 pixels tall
- 2 up view
- Jepgs vs Gifs
--- Jpeg = Photographic quality & Small image sizes
--- Gif = Animations & Transparency
- you can only control slices you have cut out yourself
- check out the roll-over window
- there are different different roll-over states
- check out your site in a Browser
Save for Web
- put your files in a Folder
- keep your file names short
hows it work?
* Physical
* Software
* Language
Set up your website:
- general sizing should be 900 pixels wide by 620 pixels tall
- 2 up view
- Jepgs vs Gifs
--- Jpeg = Photographic quality & Small image sizes
--- Gif = Animations & Transparency
- you can only control slices you have cut out yourself
- check out the roll-over window
- there are different different roll-over states
- check out your site in a Browser
Save for Web
- put your files in a Folder
- keep your file names short
In class wed Apr 15th
Lets Review Project 4!
(are they good? yes they are really good)
Talkin' 'bout the great interweb!
hows it work?
* Physical
* Software
* Language
* Ideology
Who runs it?
* Ask the Ninja about Net Neutrality!
Introduction to ImageReady (Photoshops little hip web sister)
(are they good? yes they are really good)
Talkin' 'bout the great interweb!
hows it work?
* Physical
* Software
* Language
* Ideology
Who runs it?
* Ask the Ninja about Net Neutrality!
Introduction to ImageReady (Photoshops little hip web sister)
In class mon Apr 13th
Exporting Project 4
Project 4 Due!
- Your video needs to have your name and the class and semester (Art213 DA&D I Spring 09)
- Your video needs to be saved as a full quality dv video and a smaller 320x240 .mov for youtube.
Project 5 Assigned
moment on earth
Project 4 Due!
- Your video needs to have your name and the class and semester (Art213 DA&D I Spring 09)
- Your video needs to be saved as a full quality dv video and a smaller 320x240 .mov for youtube.
Project 5 Assigned
moment on earth
In class wed Apr 1st
- drop in your folder of images
- set your size
- set your frame rate
- create the movie
- save the movie
- importing your video
- using the time line view & clip view
- editing your video * Split Video Clip at Playhead
- importing audio
- titles
- transitions
- effects
work on project
- drop in your folder of images
- set your size
- set your frame rate
- create the movie
- save the movie
- importing your video
- using the time line view & clip view
- editing your video * Split Video Clip at Playhead
- importing audio
- titles
- transitions
- effects
work on project
In Class Wed Mar 11th
Project 3 Due
Project 4 Assigned
Photoshop Adv.
- Layers
-- lock layers
-- modes
-- opacity
-- naming layers
-- changing layer order
-- folder
- Masks
- Adjustment layers
Crit Project 2
Project 4 Assigned
Photoshop Adv.
- Layers
-- lock layers
-- modes
-- opacity
-- naming layers
-- changing layer order
-- folder
- Masks
- Adjustment layers
Crit Project 2
In Class Mon Mar 9th
Thought for the Week:
Cab you find and post images on your blog that you believe are manipulated? what makes you think they have been changed?
Vector Tools
- Line (and other shapes) tool
- Pen Tool
- Patch Selection Tool
Work on Project 3
Cab you find and post images on your blog that you believe are manipulated? what makes you think they have been changed?
Vector Tools
- Line (and other shapes) tool
- Pen Tool
- Patch Selection Tool
Work on Project 3
Mac Users meeting
March 4 Meeting – MUG ONE, the Macintosh User Group of Oneonta
Facebook, Classmates and Preview
In Class Wed Mar 4th
Go to the Flickr group here and request to join the Art213 group
Color Correction
Image --> Adjustments -->
What is a vector?
Vector Tools
- Text tool
- Line (and other shapes) tool
- Pen Tool
- Patch Selection Tool
Work on Project
Color Correction
Image --> Adjustments -->
What is a vector?
Vector Tools
- Text tool
- Line (and other shapes) tool
- Pen Tool
- Patch Selection Tool
Work on Project
In Class Mon Mar 2nd
Question of the Week: What would American society be like if there was no media? (good to contemplate for your Blog)
Project 2 Due
A Look at Flickr
Become part of the group in Flickr
Photoshop Basics 3
- Healing brush/ Patch tool
- Clone Stamp/ Pattern Stamp
- Manipulating Selections
* how to make a pattern
Project 2 Due
A Look at Flickr
Become part of the group in Flickr
Photoshop Basics 3
- Healing brush/ Patch tool
- Clone Stamp/ Pattern Stamp
- Manipulating Selections
* how to make a pattern
In Class Wed Feb 25th
Photoshop Basics 3
*Selection tools
- circular / rectangle marque
- move tool
- magic wand
- lasso, magnetic lasso, polygonal lasso
* Clone Stamp Tool
* Patch Tool
Work on project
*Selection tools
- circular / rectangle marque
- move tool
- magic wand
- lasso, magnetic lasso, polygonal lasso
* Clone Stamp Tool
* Patch Tool
Work on project
Dada CD cover game
Dada CD cover
1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.
5 - Post it to your Flickr account and email it to Joe (image size 1200x1200 or smaller at 72 dpi)

1 - Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random... ”
or click
The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 - Go to "Random quotations"
or click http://www.quotationspage.
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.
3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4 - Use Photoshop to put it all together.
5 - Post it to your Flickr account and email it to Joe (image size 1200x1200 or smaller at 72 dpi)

In Class Mon Feb 23th
How does Digital Media effect your daily existence?
Photoshop Basics 2
- Preferences
- Pencil/Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
Work on Project
Photoshop Basics 2
- Preferences
- Pencil/Paint Brush
- Paint Bucket/Gradient
- Erase/Magic Erase/Back Ground Eraser
- Burn/Dodge/Sponge
- Sharpen/Blur/Smudge
Work on Project
In Class Wed Feb 18th
Photoshop Basics 2
* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep
-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
-- uploading an image
---- JPGS only at a Quality of 65%
---- no bigger than 1600 x 1200 pxl at 72 dpi
* Flashdrive Test TODAY! bring it in and test it out!
Work on Project!
* File Types
- File Types
---- Photoshop = .PSD = working file, the one you keep
-- End Product Files
---- JPEG = .JPG = web and email (Flickr) file
---- GIFF = .GIF = web file
---- TIFF = .TIF = full quality print file
---- Portable Document File = .PDF = compressed print file
- Image size / Canvas size
- Preferences
- History / Undo function
- Foreground/Background Color
- Eyedropper
-- uploading an image
---- JPGS only at a Quality of 65%
---- no bigger than 1600 x 1200 pxl at 72 dpi
* Flashdrive Test TODAY! bring it in and test it out!
Work on Project!
In Class Mon Feb 16th
Lets talk about the Mac
What questions do you have for me?
the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is
File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
*remember to ALWAYS log out of your Web 2.0 accounts when you are done!
Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash
do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program
to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash
* Project 1 starts this week, 3 posts up on your blog each week.
* Project 2 Assigned
What questions do you have for me?
the Dock - where most everything you need is.
the Desktop - just click on the background while in program
the Finder - to know where you are
Applications Folder - where all the software is
File ---> New Folder - to make a new folder
Finder ---> Empty Trash - to remove files from the trash forever
File ---> Get Inf0 - to find out how big a file is and other info
*remember to ALWAYS log out of your Web 2.0 accounts when you are done!
Photoshop Basics 1
- Starting the Program / Quit
- Opening a file
- Save / Save As a file
- Windows
Flashdrive info
to eject your flashdrive you need to drag it to the Trash
do not use files while they are on your flashdrive. drag them off the drive onto the desktop before working with them in a program
to remove files from your flashdrive, drag and drop them into the Trash, then Finder ---> Empty Trash
* Project 1 starts this week, 3 posts up on your blog each week.
* Project 2 Assigned
In Class Wed Feb 11th
Lab Fee $75
Awareness Test
Web 2.0
What is web 2.0?

Popular Web 2.0 Applications
- Flickr, Picasa
- Blogger, TypePad, WordPress
- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel
- Picnik, Sumo Paint
- Facebook, Myspace
Semester Project 1 Assigned
work on Project
Awareness Test
Web 2.0
What is web 2.0?

Popular Web 2.0 Applications
- Flickr, Picasa
- Blogger, TypePad, WordPress
- Youtube, Hulu, Sidereel
- Picnik, Sumo Paint
- Facebook, Myspace
Semester Project 1 Assigned
work on Project
In Class Mon Feb 9th
Hello and Welcome to the Art213 Intro to Digital Media blog. This blog contains up-to-date information on the class, assignments & projects. There are also important links from this blog to other class resources. This blog is the hub of the class don't forget to check if frequently. I usually updated the blog within 24 hours of class.
Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.
The Intro to digital media class is an overview of Print based media, Time based media and Interactive Media. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe Photosop 7, ImageReady 7, iMovie, & Dreamweaver MX as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications(YouTube, Flickr & Blogs).
We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter peoples perceptions. We will also look to define 'Digital Art' as a medium for art.
* This class has a $75 Lab fee & you will need a 1 GB thumbdrive.
* You will need to bring your laptop to class for the first couple of weeks.
Part of your first assignment is to bring your laptop to class and show me the bookmark to this site.
The Intro to digital media class is an overview of Print based media, Time based media and Interactive Media. These areas of media are explored through the use of Adobe Photosop 7, ImageReady 7, iMovie, & Dreamweaver MX as well as a hand full of useful shareware and web applications(YouTube, Flickr & Blogs).
We will investigate the mechanics of creating Digital Media as well as consider the roll of media within American society and it's potential to alter peoples perceptions. We will also look to define 'Digital Art' as a medium for art.
* This class has a $75 Lab fee & you will need a 1 GB thumbdrive.
* You will need to bring your laptop to class for the first couple of weeks.
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