
In Class Tue Nov 25th

Check out the Final Projects Distructions!

using ImageReady Day 2

- File-->New then Choose a size something between 900 w & 680 h at 72 dpi
- Save your file as 'index.html' (all lower case, the internet is case sensitive)
- Optimize either JPEG or GIF
- Slice your image
- Create your roll-overs

new stuff
- Animations (GIF only)
- Output Settings
--- Background
--- Saving Files
----- 'file naming' needs to be changed (shorter file names are best)
----- change the image folder name
- Save Optimized As (remember to save the files into a folder labeled with your first initial and last name as one word, no spaces. this file should be on your desktop)

Work on Project


In Class Thur Nov 20th

The great internet
* lets look at examples

Set up your website:
- general sizing should be 900 pixels wide by 680 pixels tall

- 2 up view
- Jepgs vs Gifs
--- Jpeg = Photographic quality & Small image sizes
--- Gif = Animations & Transparency

- you can only control slices you have cut out yourself

- check out the roll-over window
- there are different different roll-over states

- check out your site in a Browser

Save for Web
- put your files in a Folder
- keep your file names short


In Class Tue Nov 18th

Talkin' 'bout the great interweb!
hows it work?
* Physical
* Software
* Language
* Ideology

Who runs it?
* Ask the Ninja about Net Neutrality!

Introduction to ImageReady (Photoshops little hip web sister)

Export (Share) your Video form iMovie!

1 - as a 'Full Quality' .dv file
2 - as a 320x240, 30FPS, MPEG, .mov file


In Class Thur Nov 13th

Project 3 Crit! (no really)

The next part, Interactive media!

Import your sound
edit your audio

Export your video

- as a full quality .dv file
- as a 320x240, 30 fps quicktime video file with MPEG4 compression at full quality

Hand your .dv video file in to me, upload your .mov video file to your Youtube account (upload video)


In Class Tue Nov 11th

Edit your Video in iMovie
Import your video clips into iMovie

Edit your movie
* 'Clip Videoclip at Playhead'

Add Audio?

Put titles at the beginning and end of your video
- the title of your video in the beginning
- credits, including your name and ART213 Digital Art & Design I, Fall 08

Export your video
- as a full quality .dv file
- as a 320x240, 30 fps quicktime video file with MPEG4 compression at full quality

Hand your .dv video file in to me, upload your .mov video file to your Youtube account (upload video)


In Class Thur Nov 6th

- importing your video
- using the time line view & clip view
- editing your video * Split Video Clip at Playhead

work on project


In Class Tue Nov 4th

Work on Project 4
